This package allows you to set in your django site a notification system that works along with tfprotocol sending a notification for each user who has GoDjango Notify APK in his phone installed
"version": "1.0.0", # For version control purposes
"dependant": "", # For dependant model, which it means that for example, if you have a model that needs to be identified for others models or controllers you can set this to something different than None, for example auth.User which will allows you to have a foreign key in this model pointing to auth.Model
"admin_parents": {
# Each admin parent set here must have its key as admin classes in [SuperGoDjangoNotifyAdmin, GoDjangoNotifyAdmin]
"dependant_identifier": "username",
"admin_sites": [
# Admin sites where to register all gdnotify admin views, default: default site
"super_admin_sites": [
# Admin sites where to register all gdnotify admin privileged views, default: default site, must have admin_sites setted or this will not work... if you only have privileged users then you may want to use admin_sites instead.