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SSB Component Library

npm version

The SSB component library is developed mainly for developers at SSB. Visit the documentation page to see all available components and how to use them.


Installing library

If you want to use the component library in your project, simply install it from npm.

$ npm install @statisticsnorway/ssb-component-library --save

Use components

Every component is developed to support being used as React components or as HTML by downloading the bundled CSS. Regardless of which way you use it, you need to import the stylesheet at the top of your project. You can do this either in the top javascript file, or in the top scss file. If using the library as a module, we recommend importing the main scss file, If you want to only apply the CSS, you can download the bundled CSS stylesheet and add it to your project.

If your project uses React, just use the module as you usually would use an external react component.

import { Button } from '@statisticsnorway/ssb-component-library'
;<Button onClick={callback} primary>
  Click me!

If you only use HTML and CSS, look at the documentation for the specific component to make sure you get the class names right. Use them precisely to ensure you get all the appropriate styles.

<button class="ssb-button primary-btn">Click me</button>

You can find all available components here with the needed descriptions of how to use. You can also find this at the website (only in Norwegian for now).


Run project locally

... clone repository ...
$ npm install
$ npm start

This will open storybook where you can develop components in an isolated environment.

How to start working on a feature

$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ git checkout -b add-feature-x
... do changes ...
$ git commit -a -m "detailed commit message"
$ git status
... verify that correct files are included ...
$ git push -u origin add-feature-x
... create pull-request to master ...

Publish to NPM

Merge to master will automatically publish to NPM if version number in package.json is updated.



Components are written in React using the JSX syntax. Components should be written as functions, as opposed to classes, and if a local state or event handler is needed you should take use of the Hooks API.

As a way to ensure that our components are being used they way we intended, we use PropTypes to check properties being passed to components. All components with props available should have this.

One of the requirements for the components is that they should be able to render with the desired design using only HTML. Please develop components with that in mind. Some projects will only extract the stylesheet and apply the class names to receive styling, while handling interactions on their own. Always develop with this in mind.


Storybook is an open source tool for developing UI components in an isolated environment. It is also a useful tool for demoing components by themselves or put together into a user scenario. To add a component to the storybook build, create a file named like componentName.story.jsx. Import some needed modules, the component you are creating the story for, and add it like this:

import React from 'react'
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react'
import centered from '@storybook/addon-centered/react'
import Button from './index'

storiesOf('Button', module)
  .add('Primary button', () => (
      <Button text='Primary' primary />
      <Button text='Disabled' primary disabled />

Every new instance of storiesOf creates a new menu item in the storybook. When using the add, it creates an item in a sub menu.


Testing is done with Jest and React testing library. Write unit tests for all components and aim for a 100% test coverage. Do no test component internals and state. Test on actual ouput on what user experiences. To run the tests, simply run npm test. To run tests without using any cache, run npm run clean-test. If you need to replace outdated screenshots, run npm run clear-tests.

Here is a cheat sheet for Jest.

Here is a cheat sheet for Testing library.


Styling is done with SCSS. You should familiarise yourself just a bit with the stylelint configuration, but it's pretty manageable. Just make sure you stick to the color variables specified in the variables document to make maintenance and potential changes easier.