Here are my configuration files for this rice. This rice relies heavily on Pywal. Colors change as you change your wallpaper!
These dot files are meant for Nvidia GPUs with no guarantee, use them at your own risk.
There's a delayed unmount and poweroff script included in shutdown script, meant for USB hard drives. You might want to delete it by removing ~/.config/rofi/scripts/
in line 60 of powermenu
file under rofi scripts directory.
A huge portion of these dot files are based on rchrdwllm's and JaKooLit's amazing work.
- Dynamic colors from wallpapers
- Firefox and VS Code are themed according to those dynamic colors
- Black GTK and Kvantum themes
- Customized shortcuts
- Launch apps
Super + D
- Emojis
Super + .
- Blank screen
Super + B
- Lock screen
Super + L
- Toggle floating mode
Super + Space
- Toggle grouping
Super + G
- Toggle waybar
Super + T
- Launch Firefox
Super + W
- Open VS Code
Super + C
- Resize windows
Super + RMB
- For all keybinds press
Super + ?
- Launch apps
- Waybar with custom widgets
Terminal: Kitty
Shell: Zsh
Browser: Firefox
File manager: Thunar
Login manager: ly
Themes: Modified Kvantum Carl theme for Qt and Arc-BLACKEST for GTK
Icons theme: Papirus Dark
If you have trouble installing Hyprland for Nvidia GPUs, you should try using JaKooLit's script.
Before using dot files, make sure to at least have the necessary packages installed.
Base packages:
yay -S --needed hyprland-nvidia-git wayland xorg xorg-server xorg-xrdb xorg-xwayland qt5-wayland qt6-wayland grim gvfs gvfs-mtp jq pamixer polkit-gnome pavucontrol pipewire-alsa playerctl slurp swappy swayidle sway-audio-idle-inhibit-git swaylock-effects waybar wget wl-clipboard cliphist curl rofi-lbonn-wayland-git bemoji xdg-user-dirs libdrm pixman libxkbcommon python python-requests python-pillow python-pywal python-pywalfox libxml2 llvm libpng gegl mtdev swww wlroots inetutils clinfo update-grub xorg-xhost lshw wlsunset speech-dispatcher python-pip inotify-tools mako-git gnome-keyring imagemagick wtype alsa-firmware tumbler swaync xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland ly xdg-utils yad pacman-contrib python-pipx hyprpicker-git hyprutils-git hyprcursor-git hyprlang-git hyprwayland-scanner-git hyprshade ghostscript poppler hyprswitch
instead ofhyprland-nvidia-git
in systems with no Nvidia GPU.
Checkout Hyprshade.
Terminal, browser and file manager:
yay -S kitty firefox thunar
Laptop brightness control:
yay -S brightnessctl
Desktop monitor brightness control:
yay -S ddcutil
yay -S blueberry bluez bluez-utils
yay -S papirus-icon-theme papirus-folders nwg-look-bin kvantum-qt5 kvantum qt5ct qt6ct qt6-svg
yay -S ttf-ubuntu-font-family noto-fonts-emoji ttf-fira-code otf-font-awesome otf-font-awesome-4 ttf-droid ttf-fantasque-sans-mono ttf-jetbrains-mono ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd inter-font-beta adobe-source-code-pro-fonts vazirmatn-fonts vazir-code-fonts nerd-fonts
Here are a collection of useful extra packages you might want to install:
Package management:
yay -S flatpak bauh octopi
yay -S file-roller gparted tmux simple-scan qdirstat nvtop
Internet and networking:
yay -S brave-bin google-chrome chromium telegram-desktop gufw filezilla
Spell check:
yay -S enchant ispell hunspell hunspell-en_us
yay -S speech-dispatcher
pipx install mycroft-mimic3-tts
Checkout mimic3 config.
yay -S ffmpeg ffmpegthumbnailer ffmpegthumbs jasper lame libdca libdv gst-libav libtheora libvorbis libxv wavpack x264 x265 dav1d rav1e xvidcore dvd+rw-tools dvdauthor dvgrab libmad libmpeg2 libdvdcss libdvdread libdvdnav exfat-utils fuse-exfat a52dec faac faad2 flac
sudo pacman -S gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-ugly
File systems:
yay -S ntfs-3g ntfsprogs udf udftools dosfstools exfatprogs f2fs-tools hfsprogs reiser4progs
yay -S vlc mpv smplayer smplayer-themes ristretto spotify spicetify-cli
yay -S foliate hyphen-en
yay -S libreoffice speedcrunch audacity gimp krita inkscape blender
yay -S neovim dotnet-sdk visual-studio-code-bin github-desktop-bin github-cli repo
yay -S obs-studio
If you're not using xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland
yay -S wlrobs wlrobs-hg gstreamer-vaapi obs-vaapi
yay -S steam heroic-games-launcher-bin lutris mangohud goverlay-bin gamemode lib32-gamemode
Lutris dependencies:
sudo pacman -S --needed wine-staging giflib lib32-giflib libpng lib32-libpng libldap lib32-libldap gnutls lib32-gnutls mpg123 lib32-mpg123 openal lib32-openal v4l-utils lib32-v4l-utils libpulse lib32-libpulse libgpg-error lib32-libgpg-error alsa-plugins lib32-alsa-plugins alsa-lib lib32-alsa-lib libjpeg-turbo lib32-libjpeg-turbo sqlite lib32-sqlite libxcomposite lib32-libxcomposite libxinerama lib32-libgcrypt libgcrypt lib32-libxinerama ncurses lib32-ncurses ocl-icd lib32-ocl-icd libxslt lib32-libxslt libva lib32-libva gtk3 lib32-gtk3 gst-plugins-base-libs lib32-gst-plugins-base-libs vulkan-icd-loader lib32-vulkan-icd-loader gpu-viewer fluidsynth python-protobuf innoextract lib32-vkd3d vkd3d lib32-libvdpa
Lutris Nvidia drivers:
sudo pacman -S --needed nvidia-dkms nvidia-utils lib32-nvidia-utils nvidia-settings vulkan-icd-loader lib32-vulkan-icd-loader opencl-nvidia
Input remapper:
yay -S input-remapper-git
sudo systemctl restart input-remapper
sudo systemctl enable input-remapper
yay -S ranger mc cava cmatrix tty-clock screenfetch tetris-terminal-git fzf ytfzf btop
Flatpak packages:
flatpak install flathub net.nokyan.Resources com.github.tchx84.Flatseal com.discordapp.Discord
Some electron apps work better installed using Flatpak and modified using Flatseal, instead of using electron flags.
I personally used JaKooLit's script to install Oh My Zsh with gnzh
theme. But you can use rchrdwllm's instructions to install it.
This config is based on the regular Pywal which is installed with yay -S python-pywal
. But if you want 16 colors to be generated, you can install it by:
- Cloning this repo
into the repo and runpip3 install --user . --break-system-packages
Once done, you can run the
script found in this dotfiles directory and do a reboot after. Then, proceed to the next section.
Once done, you can go ahead and copy the files to their respective directories and do a reboot. Be sure to check out the some notes section in this README.
There's a Pywal theme for VS Code. Colors will automatically update as well once you apply the theme.
If you use Firefox and want to have Pywal colors:
- Download the theme extension here.
- Run
pywalfox update
in your terminal.
Once done, you don't need to worry about manually updating the colors everytime you change your wallpaper. A script already takes care of that BUT you might need to manually restart Firefox to apply the new colors.
Add the line below to the /etc/environments:
Please note that using the line above in my Hyprland config, caused some Qt apps to crash.
Also using the lines below in my environments file caused some Qt apps to crash as well.
With that said, your mileage may vary, so experiment with different environment options.
- I don't know about you but in case you're experiencing a super slow reboot or shutdown with this, I followed this Reddit comment and it helped! Not really sure why that's happening, though.
- If you get an error on line 60 of
after rebooting saying that colors couldn't be found, be sure to check line 24. Replace "uiriamu" with your Linux username. After that, runhyprctl reload
in your terminal. Once this is resolved, it shouldn't happen anymore for future reboots. - This repo is also open to forks if you guys want to make changes of your own and take them into your own repository.
If you've already installed another login manager first run before enabling Ly:
sudo systemctl disable <the name of the login manager>
Use this line to enable Ly:
sudo systemctl enable ly
Install it through flathub and then use Flatseal to turn off gpu acceleration for it.
I've already added needed flags for VS Code to ~/.config/code-flags.conf file
Running it with --disable-gpu
would fix the problems.
You might want to add this flag to its .desktop file under /usr/share/applications/
or add it to electron flags config file.
xdg-settings set default-web-browser firefox.desktop
xdg-mime default thunar.desktop inode/directory
xdg-mime default kitty.desktop application/x-shellscript
Just run the commands below to use ddcutil without root permission:
sudo modprobe i2c-dev
ddcutil capabilities | grep "Feature: 10"
sudo cp /usr/share/ddcutil/data/45-ddcutil-i2c.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
sudo groupadd --system i2c
sudo usermod $USER -aG i2c
sudo touch /etc/modules-load.d/i2c.conf
sudo sh -c 'echo "i2c-dev" >> /etc/modules-load.d/i2c.conf'
sudo reboot
sudo nano /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service
Add the following content:
[D-BUS Service]
mimic3-download 'en_US/*'
- Make sure the mimic3-server is running (for testing only):
- Make sure
contains below text:
Debug 0
GenericExecuteSynth \
"printf %s \'$DATA\' | mimic3 --remote --voice \'$VOICE\' --stdout | $PLAY_COMMAND"
GenericCmdDependency "mimic3"
GenericSoundIconFolder "/usr/share/sounds/sound-icons/"
GenericPunctNone ""
GenericPunctSome "--punct=\"()[]{};:\""
GenericPunctMost "--punct=\"()[]{};:\""
GenericPunctAll "--punct"
AddVoice "af" "FEMALE1" "af_ZA/google-nwu_low"
AddVoice "bn" "FEMALE1" "bn/multi_low"
AddVoice "de" "MALE1" "de_DE/thorsten_low"
AddVoice "de" "MALE2" "de_DE/thorsten-emotion_low"
AddVoice "de" "MALE3" "de_DE/m-ailabs_low"
AddVoice "el" "FEMALE1" "el_GR/rapunzelina_low"
AddVoice "en" "MALE1" "en_UK/apope_low"
AddVoice "en" "MALE1" "en_US/hifi-tts_low"
AddVoice "en" "FEMALE1" "en_US/ljspeech_low"
AddVoice "en" "MALE2" "en_US/m-ailabs_low"
AddVoice "en" "MALE3" "en_US/cmu-arctic_low"
AddVoice "en" "FEMALE2" "en_US/vctk_low"
AddVoice "es" "MALE1" "es_ES/carlfm_low"
AddVoice "es" "MALE2" "es_ES/m-ailabs_low"
AddVoice "fa" "FEMALE1" "fa/haaniye_low"
AddVoice "fi" "MALE1" "fi_FI/harri-tapani-ylilammi_low"
AddVoice "fr" "FEMALE1" "fr_FR/m-ailabs_low"
AddVoice "fr" "FEMALE2" "fr_FR/siwis_low"
AddVoice "fr" "MALE1" "fr_FR/tom_low"
AddVoice "gu" "FEMALE1" "gu_IN/cmu-indic_low"
AddVoice "ha" "MALE1" "ha_NE/openbible_low"
AddVoice "hu" "FEMALE1" "hu_HU/diana-majlinger_low"
AddVoice "it" "MALE1" "it_IT/mls_low"
AddVoice "it" "MALE2" "it_IT/riccardo-fasol_low"
AddVoice "jv" "MALE1" "jv_ID/google-gmu_low"
AddVoice "ko" "FEMALE1" "ko_KO/kss_low"
AddVoice "ne" "FEMALE1" "ne_NP/ne-google_low"
AddVoice "nl" "MALE1" "nl/bart-de-leeuw_low"
AddVoice "nl" "MALE2" "nl/flemishguy_low"
AddVoice "nl" "FEMALE1" "nl/nathalie_low"
AddVoice "nl" "MALE3" "nl/pmk_low"
AddVoice "nl" "MALE4" "nl/rdh_low"
AddVoice "pl" "FEMALE1" "pl_PL/m-ailabs_low"
AddVoice "ru" "FEMALE1" "ru_RU/multi_low"
AddVoice "sw" "MALE1" "sw/lanfrica_low"
AddVoice "te" "MALE1" "te_IN/cmu-indic_low"
AddVoice "tn" "FEMALE1" "tn_ZA/google-nwu_low"
AddVoice "uk" "MALE1" "uk_UK/m-ailabs_low"
AddVoice "vi" "FEMALE1" "vi_VN/vais1000_low"
AddVoice "to" "MALE1" "yo/openbible_low"
DefaultVoice "en_US/ljspeech_low"
- Make sure this file
contains the text below:
LogLevel 3
LogDir "default"
DefaultVolume 100
SymbolsPreproc "char"
SymbolsPreprocFile "gender-neutral.dic"
SymbolsPreprocFile "font-variants.dic"
SymbolsPreprocFile "symbols.dic"
SymbolsPreprocFile "emojis.dic"
SymbolsPreprocFile "orca.dic"
SymbolsPreprocFile "orca-chars.dic"
Include "clients/*.conf"
DefaultVoiceType "FEMALE1"
DefaultModule mimic3-generic
DefaultLanguage "en"
# Remove the line below if you're on Archlinux with pipewire
AudioOutputMethod "libao"
- Restart the speech-dispatcher:
sudo systemctl restart speech-dispatcher
- Test if it works:
spd-say 'Hello from speech dispatcher.'
If this doesn't work add mimic3-server to hyprland startup.
To ensure that Mimic 3 runs at boot, create a systemd service at $HOME/.config/systemd/user/mimic3.service
with the contents:
Description=Run Mimic 3 web server
Make sure to change /path/to/mimic3-server
to wherever you installed Mimic 3.
You can find the location of it by running which mimic3
systemctl --user daemon-reload
Now try starting the service:
systemctl --user start mimic3
If that's successful, ensure it starts at boot:
systemctl --user enable mimic3
Verify the web server is running by visiting: http://localhost:59125/
Install the systemd timer/service user units and enable the timer unit:
hyprshade install
systemctl --user enable --now hyprshade.timer
Run hyprshade install every time you make changes to hyprshade.toml to keep the user units in sync.