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Merge branch 'develop' into fix_verify_tag
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kkatusic committed Jul 23, 2024
2 parents 9c969df + 8cc0400 commit c726ceb
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Showing 174 changed files with 3,894 additions and 2,126 deletions.
36 changes: 31 additions & 5 deletions lang/ca.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -701,12 +701,12 @@
"label.our_vision.desc": "Donar és fàcil i les persones de tot el món són recompensades per crear un canvi positiu.",
"label.overview": "Resum",
"label.participate_in_giveth_governance_using_the": "Participa en la governança de Giveth fent servir",
"label.passport.eligible": "Les teves donacions poden ser igualades!",
"label.passport.eligible": "Pot optar a l'equiparació de donatius.",
"label.passport.ended": "Aquesta ronda ha finalitzat. Gràcies pel teu suport.",
"label.passport.error": "S'ha produït un error en carregar el teu Gitcoin Passport. Si us plau, torna-ho a intentar més tard.",
"label.passport.error": "S'ha produït un error en carregar la vostra elegibilitat QF. Siusplau, intenta-ho més tard.",
"label.passport.invalid": "Perfil de Passport no detectat. Si us plau, obre Passport per solucionar-ho.",
"": "Vés a Passport",
"label.passport.loading": "Carregant Passport...",
"label.passport.loading": "Carregant...",
"label.passport.not_connected": "Connecta la teva cartera per verificar la teva elegibilitat per a l'igualació de donacions.",
"label.passport.not_created": "Aconsegueix que la teva donació sigui igualada amb finançament quadràtic! Verifica el teu Gitcoin Passport abans ",
"label.passport.not_eligible": "Aconsegueix que la teva donació sigui igualada amb finançament quadràtic! Augmenta la teva puntuació de Gitcoin Passport abans ",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -843,6 +843,7 @@
"label.save_changes": "Desa els canvis",
"label.save_on_gas_fees": "Estalvia en taxes de gas, canvia de xarxa.",
"label.say_hello_to": "Saluda a...",
"label.some_section_missing": "Algunes seccions no tenen informació.",
"label.sdg_impact_fund": "Fons d'impacte SDG",
"": "Cerca",
"label.search_for_a_project_or_a_cause": "Cerca un projecte o una causa a totes les categories",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1210,6 +1211,8 @@
"label.you_already_completed_your_profile": "Ja has completat el teu perfil!",
"label.you_are_about_to_save_the_changes_you_made": "Estàs a punt de desar els canvis que has fet a la teva assignació de GIVpower. Això no es pot desfer.",
"label.you_are_donating": "Esteu fent una donació",
"label.you_are_all_set": "Esteu tot a punt!",
"label.increase_your_score": "Augmenta la teva puntuació",
"label.you_are_staking": "Estàs stakejant",
"label.you_are_supporting_other_projects_with_this_stream": "Estàs recolzant {count} altre {count, plural, one {projecte} other {projectes}} amb aquest flux",
"label.you_are_the_first_donor_to_make_a_recurring_donation_to_this_project": "Felicitats! Ets el primer donant a fer una donació recurrent a aquest projecte.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1252,6 +1255,27 @@
"label.you_supported_this_project_with_100%": "Has donat suport a aquest projecte amb el 100% del teu GIVpower total. No pots editar la distribució a menys que tinguis com a mínim un altre projecte impulsat. Prova de boostejar altres projectes o gestionar-los a",
"label.you_will_donate_total": "Donaràs un total de",
"label.zero_gas_fees_straight_to_your_wallet": "Zero tarifes de gas, directe a la teva billetera",
"label.processing": "Processant...",
"label.add_more_info": "Afegeix més informació",
"label.it_wont_take_long": "No trigarà gaire!",
"label.we_need_a_bit_more_info": "Necessitem una mica més d'informació!",
"label.passport_connected": "Passaport connectat",
"label.qf_donor_eligibility.banner.check_eligibility": "Fes que les teves donacions es igualin! Verifica la teva unicitat amb un clic.",
"label.qf_donor_eligibility.banner.recheck_eligibility": "Fes que les teves donacions es igualin! Augmenta la teva puntuació de Gitcoin Passport abans de",
"label.qf_donor_eligibility.banner.more_info_needed": "Necessitem una mica més d'informació per verificar la teva elegibilitat per QF!",
"": "Comprovar elegibilitat",
"": "Re-comprovar elegibilitat",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.not_eligible_desc": "Verifica la teva unicitat com a donant amb una ràpida comprovació de la teva activitat en la cadena.",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.eligible_desc": "Les teves donacions són elegibles per ser igualades!",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.required_score": "Puntuació de passaport necessària per ser elegible",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.label.check_eligibility": "Comprovar elegibilitat",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.label.connect_gitcoin_passport": "Connectar Gitcoin Passport",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.passport.not_eligible.p1": "Augmenta la teva puntuació de Gitcoin Passport abans de",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.passport.not_eligible.p2": "per qualificar per la igualació.",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.title": "Elegibilitat de Donants QF",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.tag.not_eligible": "No Elegible",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.tag.eligible": "Elegible per QF",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.your_passport_score": "La teva puntuació de passaport",
"": "Català",
"lang.en": "Inglés",
"": "Español",
Expand All @@ -1270,7 +1294,7 @@
"page.donate.matching_toast.upper_valid": "Emparellament estimat",
"page.donate.passport_toast.description.eligible": "La teva donació és elegible per ser emparellada! Després del",
"page.donate.passport_toast.description.eligible_2": ", totes les donacions seran revisades per a la protecció contra frau i els fons d'emparellament seran enviats als projectes. Estigues atent a les notificacions :)",
"page.donate.passport_toast.description.non_eligible": "Obtén el teu emparellament de donació amb finançament quadràtic!\nAugmenta la teva puntuació de Gitcoin Passport abans de",
"page.donate.passport_toast.description.non_eligible": "Obtén el teu emparellament de donació amb finançament quadràtic!\nComproveu la vostra elegibilitat QF abans",
"page.donate.passport_toast.description.not_connected": "Obtén el teu emparellament de donació amb finançament quadràtic!\nVerifica el teu Gitcoin Passport abans de",
"page.donate.passport_toast.title.eligible": "Finançament Quadràtic",
"page.donate.passport_toast.title.non_eligible": "No et perdis l'emparellament!",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1502,6 +1526,7 @@
"page.partnerships.thecommonsstack": "Reajustar els incentius al voltant dels béns públics.",
"page.partnerships.thedaoist": "Compartint històries des de la primera línia de la governança descentralitzada.",
"page.partnerships.thegivingblock": "Un ecosistema de donacions cripto.",
"page.partnerships.endaoment": "UEndaoment és una Fundació comunitària exempta d'impostos creada per a la indústria criptogràfica i centrada en l'impacte social",
"page.partnerships.tokenengineeringcommons": "Construint sistemes econòmics i de governança sostenibles.",
"page.partnerships.vocdoni": "Solució fàcil i segura per a totes les teves necessitats de governança.",
"page.partnerships.whitehatgroup": "Grup de hackers d'Ethereum de confiança que han rescatat centenars de milions de dòlars diverses vegades.",
Expand All @@ -1513,6 +1538,7 @@
"page.projects.subtitle.donate_crypto": "Dona cripto directament a bones causes.",
"page.projects.title.explore": "Explora",
"page.projects.title.projects": "Projectes",
"page.qf_eligibility.head": "Elegibilitat QF",
"page.verification.activity_and_milestones.five": "Si us plau, proporciona una descripció i/o enllaços a fotos, vídeos, testimonis o altres proves de les activitats passades del teu projecte.",
"page.verification.activity_and_milestones.four": "Activitats passades: Quines han estat les activitats més importants de la teva organització/projecte des de la seva concepció?",
"page.verification.activity_and_milestones.impact1": "Impacte: Quines proves tens que la teva solució al problema realment ajuda?",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1626,4 +1652,4 @@
"tooltip.withdraw_stream_balance": "Si teniu donacions recurrents actives, el vostre saldo disponible per retirar serà lleugerament inferior al vostre saldo actual.",
"ubi": "Renta bàsica",
"water-and-sanitation": "Aigua i Sanejament"
42 changes: 37 additions & 5 deletions lang/en.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -701,12 +701,12 @@
"label.our_vision.desc": "Giving is effortless and people all around the world are rewarded for creating positive change.",
"label.overview": "Overview",
"label.participate_in_giveth_governance_using_the": "Participate in Giveth governance using the",
"label.passport.eligible": "Your donations are eligible to be matched!",
"label.passport.eligible": "You are eligible for donation matching.",
"label.passport.ended": "This round has ended. Thank you for your support.",
"label.passport.error": "An error occurred while loading your Gitcoin Passport. Please try again later.",
"label.passport.error": "An error occurred while loading your QF Eligibility. Please try again later.",
"label.passport.invalid": "Passport Profile not detected. Please open Passport to troubleshoot.",
"": "Go to Passport",
"label.passport.loading": "Loading Passport...",
"label.passport.loading": "Loading...",
"label.passport.not_connected": "Connect your wallet to verify your eligibility for donation matching.",
"label.passport.not_created": "Get your donation matched with quadratic funding! Verify your Gitcoin Passport before ",
"label.passport.not_eligible": "Get your donation matched with quadratic funding! Increase your Gitcoin Passport score before ",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -843,6 +843,7 @@
"label.save_changes": "Save Changes",
"label.save_on_gas_fees": "Save on gas fees, switch network.",
"label.say_hello_to": "Say Hello to...",
"label.some_section_missing": "Some Sections are Missing Information",
"label.sdg_impact_fund": "SDG impact fund",
"": "Search",
"label.search_for_a_project_or_a_cause": "Search for a project or a cause on all of the categories",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1210,6 +1211,8 @@
"label.you_already_completed_your_profile": "You've already completed your profile!",
"label.you_are_about_to_save_the_changes_you_made": "You are about to save the changes you made to your GIVpower allocations. This cannot be undone.",
"label.you_are_donating": "You are donating",
"label.you_are_all_set": "You’re all set!",
"label.increase_your_score": "Increase your score",
"label.you_are_staking": "You are staking",
"label.you_are_supporting_other_projects_with_this_stream": "You are supporting {count} other {count, plural, one { project} other { projects} } with this stream",
"label.you_are_the_first_donor_to_make_a_recurring_donation_to_this_project": "Congratulations! You are the first donor to make a recurring donation to this project.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1252,6 +1255,28 @@
"label.you_supported_this_project_with_100%": "You supported this project with 100% of your total GIVpower. You can't edit the allocation unless you have at least 1 other boosted project. Try boosting other projects or managing them in",
"label.you_will_donate_total": "You will donate a total of",
"label.zero_gas_fees_straight_to_your_wallet": "Zero Gas Fees, Straight To Your Wallet",
"label.processing": "Processing...",
"label.add_more_info": "Add more info",
"label.it_wont_take_long": "It won’t take long!",
"label.we_need_a_bit_more_info": "We need a bit more info!",
"label.passport_connected": "Passport connected",
"label.qf_donor_eligibility.banner.check_eligibility": "Get your donations matched! Verify your uniqueness with one click.",
"label.qf_donor_eligibility.banner.recheck_eligibility": "Get your donations matched! Increase your Gitcoin Passport score before",
"label.qf_donor_eligibility.banner.more_info_needed": "We need a bit more information to verify your QF Eligibility!",
"": "Check Eligibility",
"": "Re-check Eligibility",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.not_eligible_desc": "Verify your donor uniqueness with a quick check of your on-chain activity.",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.eligible_desc": "Your donations are eligible to be matched!",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.required_score": "Required Passport score to be eligible",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.label.check_eligibility": "Check Eligibility",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.label.connect_gitcoin_passport": "Connect Gitcoin Passport",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.passport.not_eligible.p1": "Increase your Gitcoin Passport score before",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.passport.not_eligible.p2": "to qualify for matching.",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.title": "QF Donor Eligibility",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.tag.not_eligible": "Not Eligible",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.tag.eligible": "QF Eligible",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.your_passport_score": "Your Passport score",
"profile.qf_donor_eligibility.incease_your_score": "Increase your score",
"": "Catalan",
"lang.en": "English",
"": "Spanish",
Expand All @@ -1270,7 +1295,7 @@
"page.donate.matching_toast.upper_valid": "Estimated matching",
"page.donate.passport_toast.description.eligible": "Your donation is eligible to be matched! After the",
"page.donate.passport_toast.description.eligible_2": ", all donations will be reviewed for fraud protection and matching funds will be sent to the projects. Stay tuned for notifications :)",
"page.donate.passport_toast.description.non_eligible": "Get your donation matched with quadratic funding!\nIncrease your Gitcoin Passport score before",
"page.donate.passport_toast.description.non_eligible": "Get your donation matched with quadratic funding!\nCheck your QF Eligibility before",
"page.donate.passport_toast.description.not_connected": "Get your donation matched with quadratic funding!\nVerify your Gitcoin Passport before",
"page.donate.passport_toast.title.eligible": "Quadratic Funding",
"page.donate.passport_toast.title.non_eligible": "Don’t miss out on matching!",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1502,6 +1527,7 @@
"page.partnerships.thecommonsstack": "Realigning incentives around public goods.",
"page.partnerships.thedaoist": "Sharing tales from the frontlines of decentralized governance.",
"page.partnerships.thegivingblock": "A crypto donation ecosystem.",
"page.partnerships.endaoment": "The Philanthropic Institution of the Future. Managing and encouraging charitable giving using emerging technologies.",
"page.partnerships.tokenengineeringcommons": "Building sustainable economic and governance systems.",
"page.partnerships.vocdoni": "Easy and secure solution For all your governance needs.",
"page.partnerships.whitehatgroup": "Trusted group of Ethereum hackers that have rescued 100's of millions of dollars multiple times.",
Expand All @@ -1513,6 +1539,7 @@
"page.projects.subtitle.donate_crypto": "Donate crypto directly to for-good projects.",
"page.projects.title.explore": "Explore",
"page.projects.title.projects": "Projects",
"page.qf_eligibility.head": "QF Eligibility",
"page.verification.activity_and_milestones.five": "Please provide a description and/or links to photos, videos, testimonials or other evidence of your project's past activities.",
"page.verification.activity_and_milestones.four": "Past activities: What have been the most important activities of your organization/project since conception?",
"page.verification.activity_and_milestones.impact1": "Impact: What evidence do you have that your solution to the problem actually helps?",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1625,5 +1652,10 @@
"tooltip.flowrate": "Recurring donations are taken out of your Stream Balance. Deposit tokens & maintain your balance to enable recurring donations.",
"tooltip.withdraw_stream_balance": "If you have active recurring donations your available stream balance to withdraw will be slightly less than your actual balance.",
"ubi": "UBI",
"water-and-sanitation": "Water & Sanitation"
"water-and-sanitation": "Water & Sanitation",
"label.uncompleted_multisig_tx": "Uncompleted Multisig Tx",
"label.sign_gnosis_safe": "Sign Gnosis Safe",
"label.you_need_to_execute_the_pending_multisig": "You'll need to execute the pending Multisig transaction to complete your log-in to Giveth & proceed to this area",
"label.sign_a_message_with_your_safe_signer": "Sign a message with your Safe signer address to continue the log in process",
"label.this_is_necessary_to_create_projects": "This is necessary to be able to create projects, manage your profile or use GIVpower."

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