Gila CMS is a content management system made in PHP and MySql. Built with MVC architecture, is very easy to develop on it any costumized solution.
# with composer
composer create-project gilacms/gila
# with git
git clone gila
- Create a new database and a user with all privileges in MySql
- Run /install in your browser
- Fill all fields with the database credentials and the admin's data of the website
- The installation is complete
Prepare the database
docker run --name mariadb1 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootpass -e MYSQL_DATABASE=g_db -e MYSQL_USER=g_user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=password -d mariadb
Get the mariadb1 ip (use it as Database Hostname)
sudo docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' mariadb1
Run the container at http://localhost:8088 (DB Name: g_db, DB User: g_user, DB Password: password)
docker run -d -p 8088:80 vzuburlis/gilacms
You are welcome to be part of the development of Gila CMS. First please read Code of Conduct
For any question/feature proposal/help needed Make a new issue
Gila CMS is using Semantic Versioning