A pipeline like image algorithm editor, in order to adjust algorithm parameters in real-time, adjust algorithm content, edit algorithms, and attempt to use it as a pipeline
Because the opencv compilation script is already built-in, cmake can be directly launched, but the first build will consume a lot of time for opencv construction
now, you only need cmake can build it.
- Chaos!
- refactor: node and link classes
- refactor: execute changed to mutiple threads as: every node has a thread to execute, but only some nodes are executed. some nodes has all input parameters, it will be executed. nodes linked save the signal to child nodes. child nodes will be executed when all input parameters are ready.
- feature: some stl containers will as node input output parameters as: vector, list, map, set
- feature: some opencv type will as parameters as: Mat(over), Point, Rect, Size, Scalar, KeyPoint, DMatch and std::vectorcv::KeyPoint
- feature: more and more opencv algorithms will be added as: cv::resize, cv::cvtColor, cv::threshold, cv::blur, cv::GaussianBlur, cv::medianBlur, cv::Sobel, cv::Scharr, cv::Laplacian, cv::Canny, cv::HoughLines, cv::HoughLinesP, cv::HoughCircles, cv::remap, cv::flip, cv::warpAffine, cv::warpPerspective, cv::integral
- ui: need support imgui-docking
- ui: node ui redraw, pin rect change