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TULIP - The Uncorrected Long read Itegration Pipeline

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Running TULIP (The Uncorrected Long-read Integration Process), version 0.4 late 2016 (European eel)

TULIP currently consists of two Perl scripts, tulipseed.perl and tulipbulb.perl. These are very much intended as prototypes, and additional components and/or implementations are likely to follow.

Tulipseed takes as input alignments files of long reads to sparse short seeds, and outputs a graph and scaffold structures.

Tulipbulb adds long read sequencing data to these.

The steps below describe how we used TULIP to assemble the European eel genome:

  1. Input data


These are pre-selected seed sequenced, with selection criteria 'not too repetitive'. Seeds containing repetitive sequences should be fine, but it will then take much longer to untangle the graph, and to optimize seed numbers. Strict requirements are that seed sequence identifiers are unique numbers (excluding 0), and that all seeds are of exactly the same length.

Example file:


Long reads on one line and in FASTA format. The read identifiers should be unique in each file, so be careful if you concatenate data!

  1. Alignments

We used BWA MEM to align reads to seeds, but other aligners should work. Currently, TULIP accepts SAM format (support for other formats, e.g. DALIGNER output, was present in an earlier versions and might reappear). Only the first 6 fields of the SAM alignment information is used (up to and including the CIGAR string), so you might want to clip off the rest.

Command lines:

bwa index -p 285_seeds eel_seeds_285.fasta
bwa mem -t 4 -k 14 -W 45 -r 10 -A 1 -B 1 -O 1 -E 1 -L 0 285_seeds R7.3.fasta         | cut -f 1,2,3,4,5,6 > R73_vs_285.shortsam
bwa mem -t 4 -k 16 -W 50 -r 10 -A 1 -B 1 -O 1 -E 1 -L 0 285_seeds R9_pass_1d.fasta   | cut -f 1,2,3,4,5,6 > R91D_vs_285.shortsam
bwa mem -t 4 -k 19 -W 60 -r 10 -A 1 -B 1 -O 1 -E 1 -L 0 285_seeds R9_pass_2d.fasta   | cut -f 1,2,3,4,5,6 > R92D_vs_285.shortsam
bwa mem -t 4 -k 16 -W 60 -r 10 -A 1 -B 1 -O 1 -E 1 -L 0 285_seeds R9.4_pass_1d.fasta | cut -f 1,2,3,4,5,6 > R941D_vs_285.shortsam
  1. Configuration

When using multiple alignment files, you should specify their locations in a short configuration file, format type [tab] alignment [tab] original fasta:

sam     R92D_vs_285.shortsam    R9_pass_2d.fasta
sam     R91D_vs_285.shortsam    R9_pass_1d.fasta
sam     R941D_vs_285.shortsam   R9.4_pass_1d.fasta
sam     R73_vs_285.shortsam     R7.3.fasta
  1. TULIP seed layout
./tulipseed.perl --seedlength 285 --config alignments.txt --diploid --out tulip/eel

This will generate the following files:

tulip/eel.graph             The seed graph, text format
tulip/eel.graph_tmp         The seed graph, binary format
tulip/eel.scaffolds         Ordered seed scaffolds, text format
tulip/eel.scaffolds_tmp     Ordered seed scaffolds, binary format
tulip/eel.seeds_tmp         Seed usage information
tulip/eel.layout_log        A log file
tulip/eel.scaffolds_stats   Length statistics per scaffold

The _.*tmp files will be used by tulipbulb.perl.

The .graph file simply lists which seeds are connected in the final simplified graph:

100002  ii  3501405 10    1    432   559.50    585   43.49  2284
100002  oo  5662469 12    1    -60   -56.92    -53    2.75  2284
1000042 ii  2229111  5    1   2120  2370.40   2587  190.04  1019
1000042 oi  6256249  4    1   3531  3656.50   3963  178.04  1019
1000048 io  5919951  6    1   1509  1540.33   1628   40.46  1598
1000048 oi  672698   7    1   1107  1149.57   1225   34.42  1598
1000049 ii  239093   3    1    629   646.33    668   16.21  1193

Columns indicate:

* Seed 1            Name of the first seed
* Orientation       ii | io | oi | oo, how seeds are connected (in/out)
* Seed 2            Name of the second seed
* Evidence          The number of long read alignments connecting these seeds
* Hypothetical      1 = actual link, 0 = inferred link
* Minimum           Minimum gap between the seeds observed in the alignments
* Mean              Mean gap between the seeds observed in the alignments
* Maximum           Maximum gap between the seeds observed in the alignments
* StDev             Standard deviation of the gap estimate
* Scaffold          Final scaffold ID
  1. TULIP bundling
./tulipbulb --seeds eel_seeds_285.fasta --config alignments.txt --input tulip/eel --out bulb/eel

This will add sequence from the original seeds and reads to the graph output by tulipseed.perl.

Output files are:

bulb/eel_readbundle_999.fasta    The reads used to construct scaffold 999
bulb/eel_scaffold_999.fasta      The sequence for scaffolds 999
bulb/eel.bundle_log              A log file

For each scaffold, two files are generated. The scaffold sequence shows sequence derived from seeds and long reads in upper and lower case, respectively.

N.B. Prototype could include N's

The tulipbulb.perl script contains a bug which prevents it from adding sequence in rare cases (it will then add gaps, NNNs). We will fix this soon, and also add some additional output options.

For any questions please send us an e-mail using:


TULIP - The Uncorrected Long read Itegration Pipeline






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