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GelmisBartulis committed Apr 15, 2019
1 parent f689f78 commit e4e7774
Showing 1 changed file with 89 additions and 18 deletions.
107 changes: 89 additions & 18 deletions app/src/main/java/com/GE20070469/apdassesment/
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Expand Up @@ -2,16 +2,25 @@

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.DatePicker;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.RadioButton;
import android.widget.RadioGroup;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

Expand All @@ -20,12 +29,14 @@ public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private EditText fname, lname, email, dob, address;
private RadioGroup genderRG;
private Button signup;
private String temp, gender;
private String sFame, sLame, sEmail, sDob, sAddress, sGender;
private int radioID;
private boolean isAdult = false;
private int position = 0;
private RadioButton genderSelected;
final Calendar myCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
public static final Pattern VALID_EMAIL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,6}$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
public static final Pattern VALID_PASSWORD_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[@#$%^&+=])(?=\\\\S+$).{4,}$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
public static final Pattern VALID_ADDRESS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[-0-9A-Za-z.,/ ]+", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
public static final Pattern VALID_STRING_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[A-Za-z]", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,7 +68,31 @@ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public void onCheckedChanged(RadioGroup group, int checkedId) {
radioID = genderRG.getCheckedRadioButtonId();// Getting the RadioButton checked ID
genderSelected = findViewById(radioID);// Finding the button
gender = genderSelected.getText().toString();// Set the (global) string for later usage
sGender = genderSelected.getText().toString();// Set the (global) string for later usage

final DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener date = new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener() {// Allowing the to extract the chosen dates
public void onDateSet(DatePicker view, int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth) {
myCalendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
myCalendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, monthOfYear);
myCalendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, dayOfMonth);
if(getAge(year, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth) >= 18 && getAge(year, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth) <= 100) {
isAdult = true;
Log.i("Notification", "The user is over 18 y/o");
} else {
Log.i("Notification", "The user in not 18 " + getAge(year, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth));
dob.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { // When user clicks to pick their DOB a calendar will pop up - asking for input
public void onClick(View v) {
new DatePickerDialog(MainActivity.this, date, myCalendar
.get(Calendar.YEAR), myCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH),

Expand All @@ -66,20 +101,26 @@ public void onCheckedChanged(RadioGroup group, int checkedId) {
public void onClick(View v) {
RegFragment newFragment = new RegFragment();// Create fragment and give it an argument specifying the article it should show
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putInt(RegFragment.ARG_POSITION, position);
args.putString( "fname", fname.getText().toString());
args.putString( "lname", lname.getText().toString());
args.putString( "email", email.getText().toString());
args.putString( "dob", dob.getText().toString());
args.putString( "gender", gender);
args.putString( "address", address.getText().toString());
FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
transaction.replace(R.layout.activity_main, newFragment);// Replace whatever is in the fragment_container view with this fragment,
if(checkInput(VALID_STRING_PATTERN, sFame) && checkInput(VALID_STRING_PATTERN, sLame) && checkInput(VALID_EMAIL_PATTERN, sEmail) && isAdult && checkInput(VALID_ADDRESS_PATTERN, sAddress) ) {
// RegFragment newFragment = new RegFragment();// Create fragment and give it an argument specifying the article it should show
// Bundle args = new Bundle();
// args.putInt(RegFragment.ARG_POSITION, position);
// args.putString("fname", sFame);
// args.putString("lname", sLame);
// args.putString("email", sEmail);
// args.putString("dob", sDob);
// args.putString("gender", sGender);
// args.putString("address", sAddress);
// newFragment.setArguments(args);
// FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
// transaction.replace(R.layout.activity_main, newFragment);// Replace whatever is in the fragment_container view with this fragment,
// transaction.addToBackStack(null);
// transaction.commit();
Log.i("Notification", "Attention: You can now proceed");
} else {
Log.i("Notification", "Warning: Information provided is not correct");
Expand All @@ -94,16 +135,46 @@ public void initialiseVars() {
genderRG = findViewById(;

public void retrieveData() {
sFame = fname.getText().toString();
sLame = lname.getText().toString();
sEmail = email.getText().toString();
sDob = dob.getText().toString();
sAddress = address.getText().toString();

private void updateLabel() { // Formatting the given date to UK format
String myFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"; //In which you need put here
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(myFormat, Locale.UK);

public void hideKeyboard(View view) {
InputMethodManager inputMethodManager =(InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Activity.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(view.getWindowToken(), 0);

public static boolean checkInput(Pattern PATTERN, String str) {// This will check for either password or email, depending on the Pattern
Matcher matcher = PATTERN.matcher(str);
if (str == null) {
return false;
} else return matcher.find();

private int getAge(int year, int month, int day){
Calendar dob = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();

dob.set(year, month, day);

int age = today.get(Calendar.YEAR) - dob.get(Calendar.YEAR);

if (today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) < dob.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR)){

return age;

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