Hi, i'm using native-base for learning to use react-native and typescript together but i notice some problem using the CheckBox component because i can't style it using the style
attribute in my tsx files, so i go to the index.d.ts and i notice that the CheckBox interface is not extending ReactNative.TouchableOpacityProperties
so i cannot style this component using TypeScript.
- react 16.0.0-alpha.6
- react-native 0.44.0
- native-base ^2.1.4
- Expected behavior: styling the CheckBox component in TSX files
- Actual Behavior: CheckBox component not extends ReactNative.TouchableOpacityProperties in the index.d.ts file so cannot be styled in TSX files.
- Reproduce: create a react-native project and configure it using typescript, create a root component using TSX extension and try to use style attribute in a CheckBox component.
- Screenshots: