A dependency-free NIF-free terminal library for Elixir.
- no dependencies
- no NIF required by default
- Is tty
- support for cursor navigation
- support for text styles
- support for ANSI and ANSI-256 styles
- support for alt screen
- support for keyboard events
Termite requires OTP-26 or above.
He package can be installed by adding termite
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:termite, "~> 0.2.0"}
It is not recommended to call Termite.Terminal.start() in iex, instead create a script and run it
using mix run
as it can change the way the terminal works which isn't entirely compatible with
Mix.install([{:termite, "~> 0.2.0"}]
styled =
|> Termite.Style.foreground(3)
|> Termite.Style.background(5)
|> Termite.Style.render_to_string("I am bold\n")
|> Termite.Screen.run_escape_sequence(:reset)
|> Termite.Screen.run_escape_sequence(:screen_clear)
|> Termite.Screen.write("\n\n\n")
|> Termite.Screen.run_escape_sequence(:cursor_previous_line, [3])
|> Termite.Screen.write("Hello world")
|> Termite.Screen.run_escape_sequence(:cursor_next_line, [3])
|> Termite.Screen.write(styled)
More examples are available in the examples directory.
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc using:
mix docs