I'm a research engineer fighting in network and system area, but have a heart of geek.
- guanyu.li
EricDracula.github.io Public
from mmistakes/minimMy personal website, based on the Github Pages template for academic personal websites, forked al-mistakes
p4-projects Public
Forked from Princeton-Cabernet/p4-projectsP4 codes for research projects
FTMB Public
Reimplement FTMB(Fault Tolerance Middle-Box)
FiveStage-MIPS-CPU Public
Complete a 5-stage MIPS CPU with multi-level interrupts and dynamic branch prediction on logisim and verilog
SingleCycle-MIPS-CPU Public
Complete a single-cycle MIPS CPU on logisim
Assembly UpdatedSep 26, 2017 -
Labs-Of-SystemBasic Public
Requirement, final version and my report for "Fundamentals of Computer Systems Lab" of HUST
Assembly UpdatedSep 26, 2017 -
Hospital-Emulation Public
A program to simulate registering and doctoring in the hospital.
C++ UpdatedSep 26, 2017 -
facets_creditx Public
wrap google's facets from company's notebook environment
HTML Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 5, 2017 -