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Frontend Application README

About Project

This is the frontend application for the ATS platform. It is built using Next.js and includes features for user interface and interaction with the backend API.

Steps to Install for Windows, Linux, Mac

  1. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  2. Run the application:
    npm run dev
    The application will start on http://localhost:3000 by default.

Running Locally

To run the application locally, you need to start the Next.js development server.

Environment Variables

The frontend application uses environment variables to configure the connection to the backend API. These variables are defined in the .env.local file in the frontend/ directory.

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL: The URL of the backend API.
    • File: frontend/.env.local
    • Line: NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL=Your_Backend_Deployed_Link

If you are running the backend locally on a different port, you need to update this variable accordingly. For example:


Changing the Host and Port

  • Host: The default host is localhost. The Next.js development server listens on all available network interfaces.
  • Port: The default port is 3000. You can change this by using the -p flag when starting the development server:
    npm run dev -- -p 4000
    This will start the application on http://localhost:4000.

Configuration File

The frontend/lib/config.ts file contains configuration settings for the frontend application. Currently, it only exports the NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL from the environment variables.

// frontend/lib/config.ts
export const NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL;

Deployment Process on Vercel

The frontend is deployed on Vercel. The next.config.js file is configured to export the application as a static site, which is then deployed to Vercel.

Deployed Links


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