Releases: GarrettLab-UF/LipidMatch
The latest version of LipidMatch as of 4/23/2020.
I addition to extended libraries, improved library rules, separate acetate and formate libraries for users ease, bug fixes, a new code for Bruker files, and other changes we have also added a new feature.
Now even if Lipids do not meet the identification criteria, if 1 or more fragment are observed this information is appended at the end of hits for lower confidence identifications.
Mike Napolitano added the R packages and walk through to avoid downloading any packages from R 3.3.3 (required packages were causing errors due to changes overtime).
Barinder Bajwa and Vitaliy Chagovets helped with the edits to have the software work for Bruker.
Jeremy Koelmel wrote/completed all other changes
v2.0.2 (patch for v2.0)
Fixing more issues. Apparently, not all of the libraries were properly uploaded.
V2.0.1 (patch for v2.0)
Patch for v2.0 to fix missing libraries error some users were experiencing.
v2.0 Stable release
LipidMatch v2.0 stable release
Initial release
v1.0 Initial commit