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Running Karyon calculator with Jenkin's job



Explanation video:

Project using the Calculator repository and running in 03 Jenkins jobs.

  • Job 01: The artifact of the calculator project is uploaded on Jfrog Artifactory
  • Job 02: The artifact is downloaded and a packer image of this artifact is built and uploaded to a Docker Hub repository
  • Job 03: The calculator image is pulled from Docker Hub and run




  1. Pull Jfrog Artifactory docker image:
    1. docker pull
  2. Create a Jfrog volume:
    1. docker volume create artifactory-data
  3. Run the Artifactory Docker container:
    1. docker run -d --name artifactory -p 8082:8082 -p 8081:8081 -v artifactory-data:/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory
  4. Access Jfrog: http://localhost:8082/
    When logging in for the first time, the username is: admin and the password is: password
  5. Create a Repository:
    1. Click on Create a Repository
    2. Click on Create Local Repository
    3. Paste your license which was sent to your registered email account and save
    4. On Administration tab: Click on User Management -> Users -> admin -> Put an email and change your password
    5. On Administration tab: Click on Repositories -> Add Repositories -> Local Repository -> Generic -> Name your repository, E.g.: generic-calculator-build


  1. Pull Jenkins docker image:
    1. docker pull jenkins/jenkins:lts
  2. Create a Jenkins volume:
    1. docker volume create jenkins_home
  3. Run the Jenkins container:
    1. docker run --name jenkins -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $(which docker):$(which docker) jenkins/jenkins:lts
  4. Give permission so that the container terminal can run docker commands
    1. Access the container terminal
      1. docker exec -u root -it jenkins bash
    2. Give permission
      1. chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
  5. Access Jenkins: http://localhost:8082/
    The password will be shown in the terminal
  6. Install suggested plugins -> Skip and continue as admin -> Verify the URL, finish and start
  7. Click on admin in the top of the page -> Configure -> Change the password -> Go back to Dashboard
  8. Create credentials: Go to Manage Jenkins -> Manage Credentials -> Stores scoped to Jenkins -> Jenkins -> Global credentials -> Add Credentials
    1. Select kind Username with password and fill with you Docker Hub credentials
    2. Click Add Credentials again. Select kind Secret text and write your Docker Hub repository name
  9. Install plugins: Go to Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> Available -> Search and Install Packer and Artifactory
  10. Configuring plugins:
    1. Gradle
      1. Go to Manage Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration -> Gradle -> Add Gradle
      2. Name E.g.: gradle7 -> Install automatically -> Choose a version -> Save

    2. Artifactory
      1. Go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Jfrog -> Add Jfrog Platform Instance
      2. Fill in Instance ID as Calculator Artifactory
      3. Open terminal -> Type hostname -I -> Copy first address
      4. Fill in JFrog Platform URL with the Jfrog URL and replace localhost with the IP copied
      5. Fill in Default Deployer Credentials with the Jfrog credential and Test Connection
        Now you should see the message: Found JFrog Artifactory

    3. Packer
      1. Go to Manage Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration -> Packer -> Add Packer
      2. Name as, E.g.: packer_1.8.2_linuxamd64 -> Install automatically -> Choose a version compatible with your S.O. E.g.: linux (amd64) -> Save

Running with Jenkinsfiles

Running with Jenkinsfiles, these following files won't be needed in Calculator project: build_image.pkr.hcl, common.yml and

Creating jobs

  1. On Dashboard click in New Item
  2. Set a name, choose Pipeline and click OK

    Choose appropriated names. E.g.: Automating_Calculator_Pipeline; Build_Calculator_Pipeline.

  3. Go to Pipeline -> Definition -> Pipeline script from SCM -> SCM -> Git -> Paste
  4. Change the branch */master to */main
  5. Choose the Jenkinsfile path. The steps to create the 03 jobs are the same, the only thing that will change is the path:
    1. ./job-01/Jenkinsfile
    2. ./job-02/Jenkinsfile
    3. ./job-03/Jenkinsfile


The endpoints for the calculator is set by Get method and available on http://localhost:8080/calculate

For calculate is necessary provide values for: value1, value2 and operation

Extra References