A simple Spring Boot 3.x app to send hello world message to a user
Note: Spring Boot 3.x requires Java 17 as a minimum version. Make sure you are using Java 17 or beyond for Spring Boot 3.x projects.
Start the application using any of the commands mentioned below
Note: First two commands need to run inside the root folder of this project i.e. inside the spring-boot-3-hello-world folder
Using maven
mvn spring-boot:run
From jar file Create a jar file using 'mvn clean install' command and then execute
java -jar target/spring-boot-3-hello-world-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Directly from IDE
Right click on HelloWorldApplication.java and click on 'Run' option
Note: By default spring boot application starts on port number 8080. If port 8080 is occupied in your system then you can change the port number by uncommenting and updating the server.port property inside the application.properties file that is available inside the src > main > resources folder.
Send an HTTP GET request to '/hello' endpoint using any of the two methods
Browser or REST client
curl --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/hello'
Run the test cases using any of the commands mentioned below
Note: These commands need to run inside the root folder of this project i.e. inside the spring-boot-3-hello-world folder
To run all the test cases
mvn test
To run a particular test class
mvn -Dtest=HelloWorldControllerTest test
ormvn -Dtest=HelloWorldApplicationTests test