Main program to drive the goomba (two wheeled vehicle meant to automatically map the floor plan of a room).
Consists of 3 sonar sensors to the front and sides along with an IR proximity sensor to sense cliffs. A magentomneter is also used to verify angle of the goomba.
- nRF52840 Bluefruit Sense utilizes the goomba_driving,py file to drive retain data from sensors and control the motors.
- raspberry pi periodically receives the data by UART and handles the GUI.
- Mobile device with Bluefruit Connect app to remotely interact with the nRF.
There are two DC brushed motors to control the two wheels. They are driven by two (half?) H-bridges.
Needed libraries for CircuitPython can be found here
The needed libraries from there are:
- adafruit_lis3mdl
- adafruit_hcsr04
- adafruit_lsm6ds.lsm6ds33
- adafruit_motor
- adafruit_ble
- adafruit_bluefruit_connect
note: on Raspberry Pi OS 5.10, the background-color will not work propoerly when running via VSCode. To fix it, execute the file with sudo (e.g. cd your_folder
-> sudo python3
). If the serial
library is not behaving as expected, follow the steps here