is a versatile Ruby gem designed for manipulating JSON data. With functionalities for searching, generating new JSON, and transforming existing structures.
You can install the gem using RubyGems:
gem install flexi-json
or add it to your Gemfile
gem 'flexi-json'
and then run:
bundle install
require 'flexi/json'
# Load a raw json data
flexi_json = Flexi::Json.new("{\"name\":\"John\",\"address\":\"Sydney Australia\"}")
# => <Flexi::Json:0x0000ffffa0f5fc58 @datasets=[#<Flexi::Json::Dataset:0x0000ffffa0f5f668 @address="Sydney Australia", @attributes={:name=>"John", :address=>"Sydney Australia"}, @name="John", @searchable_fields=["name", "address"]>]>
# Load a json data from a local file
flexi_json = Flexi::Json.new("some/path/to/file.json")
# Load a json data from a url
flexi_json = Flexi::Json.new("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GD-Personal/flexi-json/main/spec/data/dataset.json")
# Search for data
# => [#<Flexi::Json::Dataset:0x0000ffffa0f5f668 @address="Sydney Australia", @attributes={:name=>"John", :address=>"Sydney Australia"}, @name="John", @searchable_fields=["name", "address"]>]
# Or filter it by your chosen key e.g first_name
flexi_json.search("john", "first_name")
flexi_json.search("john", "first_name,email")
# Find duplicate emails
search_query = {first_name: "john", address: "sydney"}
options: {matched_all: true, exact_match: false}
# => [#<Flexi::Json::Dataset:0x0000ffffa0f5f668 @address="Sydney Australia", @attributes={:name=>"John", :address=>"Sydney Australia"}, @name="John", @searchable_fields=["name", "address"]>]
Flexi::Json.configure do |config|
config.exact_match_search = true
config.match_all_fields = true
- Generate results in json, csv, txt, or output in the console
- Add CRUD support to the dataset
- Optimise the search function by implementing indeces
- Optimise the loader by chunking the data
Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements or new features, feel free to fork the repository and create a pull request. Please ensure your code adheres to the project's coding standards and includes tests for new features.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/GD-Personal/flexi-json. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.