- 🔭 I’m currently working on [NLP]
- 🌱 I’m currently working as a Data Analyst
- 💬 Ask me about NLP, ML, AI and Flask,Python,R Programming, PowerBI, Tableau, Streamlit, Heroku
- 📫 How to reach me:@Gaurav KR Vishwakarma
The basic idea of analyzing the Zomato dataset is to get a fair idea about the factors affecting the establishment of different types of the restaurant at different places in Bengaluru, aggregate r…
Jupyter Notebook 1
The US Presidential Elections are scheduled to be held on the 3rd of November and with less than a week left, this was a good time to understand the public mood and opinion in different US states t…
Jupyter Notebook 1
The owner of the five - star hotel wants to make a recommendation system, which will help food supply chain management to recommend food based on the favourite dishes and popular choice.
Main Objective: The main agenda of this project is: Perform extensive Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA) on the Zomato Dataset. Build an appropriate Machine Learning Model that will help various Zomato…
Jupyter Notebook 1