A c++ OpenGL rendering practice, including various shaders, GLSL programming, illumination models; transparency, shadows; modeling, heterogeneous textures; camera and motion.
- A rendering practice based on OpenGL, including many basic items for classic pipelines:
- GLSL language of GPU programming for implementations of different shaders (vertex, fragment, geometric)
- Shadow mapping for quick stratum and shadow calculation
- Various illumination models (of local) and dual-sensitivity textures
- Semi-opaque light mixing for tansparent objects and perspective adjustment
- Graphic assistance for on-the-fly camera motion and model reading
- Supersampling and bias correction
# for Ubuntu and Debian-based
sudo apt install pkg-config freeglut3 libglew-dev libglfw3 libsoil-dev libglm-dev
cd build
cmake ../
cp build/CGrender run/
cd run