What is your suggestion, and why should it be implemented?
There is absolutely no way to change bpm or time signature mid song, which actually sucks so hard because like what if I want to change the zoom pattern? What if the song speeds up I'M FUCKED! And there is literally already a song, Monster, in game that has BPM changes and the zooming of the camera and player boppings just feel so wrong the further you go on, so why is this not in the game? I beg of you Mr. Friday Night, PLEASE let us change it midway. For Bpm it's as simple as having a special event that increases/decreases the playhead's speed, and time signature is as simple as a special event that modifies the section it's placed in onward to have a different signature. For BPM changes specifically it would also be good to have support for stepped and gradual BPM changes with tweens or something.