The Suggestion:
The web loading screen should be added to the desktop version as well, or at least make a better transition instead of just an instant cut to the level. It currently looks very jarring and just unfinished. This is something that has always bugged me since I actually really like the web loading screen and love seeing it every time I load a song, but I'm assuming the reason the loading screen isn't in the desktop version is because the loading times on desktop are much faster, and I'm assuming the web version has to download the assets every time a new level is loaded whereas the desktop version already has everything loaded (NOTE: I am not a developer and have no experience with the codebase of this game, so I don't know if that is actually how it works, please let me know if I am wrong). If adding the web loading screen to desktop is not ideal, I recommend at least adding a simple transition so that it looks a little better. I made a video to showcase my idea for a simple cut to black transition: