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  • English

Volunteer Project: Online Ticket Purchasing System for Vanspor Football Team

The goal of this project is to eliminate queues before football matches and prevent financial losses resulting from individuals entering the stadium without a ticket.

Project consist of an admin interface where admin can sell match tickets and where users can register and log in.

Ready templates are utilized in the project, and as needed, JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS within the Razor structure for editing and updating.

View components and partial views were used in the project in order to experiment with different structures.

In the project, Model-View-Controller (MVC) structure has been implemented, and Dependency Injection is used as the design pattern.

The backend of the project utilizes .NET 6.0. (CRUD operations, Authorization, Authentication - Image upload)

  • Turkish

Gönüllü olarak yapýlmýþ, Vanspor kulubü için online bilet alým projesi.Projenin amacý stadyumda oluþan bilet kuyruðunun önüne geçmek ve biletsiz olarak gelen seyircilerden oluþan maddi kaybýn önüne geçmek

Proje yöneticilerin biletleri satýþa sunabileceði admin arayüzü ve kullanýcýlarýn kayýt olup - giriþ yapabileceði iki adet arayüzden oluþuyor.

Projeyi yaparken hazýr templateler kullanýldý ve ihtiyaçlarýmýza göre .Net'in saðladýðý razor yapýsý üzerinde javascript, bootstrap, html ve css kullanýlarak güncellemeler ve düzenlenmeler yapýldý.

Farklý yapýlarý deneyebilmek amacýyla view componentler ve partial viewler projede kullanýldý.

Projede MVC(Model - View - Controller) yapýsý ve design pattern olarak Dependency injection kullanýldý.

Projenin arka plan kodlarý ASP .Net 6.0 ile yazýldý. (CRUD operations, Authorization, Authentication - Image upload)


Volunteer Project: Online Ticket Purchasing System for Vanspor Football Team







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