Anaconda is a beer made to celebrate the Python and Django meetup that will take place in december 2012 before the end of world :D
Free beer is an open source beer based on classic ale brewing traditions, but with added guaraná for a natural energy boost when coding Python. For more informations about FREE BEER go to
The recipe and branding elements is published under a Creative Commons (Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5) license.
10 September 2012, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
50 liters / 13.20 gallons OG=1.052, FG=1.010, IBU=??, SRM=??, ABV=5.5%
- 13.50 Kg, Pilsner, 2.5-4.0 EBC
- 1 Kg, Weyermann carahell, 20-30 EBC
- 1 Kg, Weyermann melanoidin 60-80 EBC
- 30 g, Magnum 14%
- 80 g, Cascade 5.5%
- 60 g, Cascade 5.5%
- 70 g, Guaraná powder
- 2.43 Tablets of whirlfloc
- 3 packages of safale US-05 from fermentis