French University project This project was made by François Chastel and Timothy Keynes during their 2nd years of studies in computer Science. They made this project during the course own by Ph.D Blay-Fornarino of Application production in University of Nice côte d'azur,France. We were directed by our "clients" Madame Nathalie Feneon (full professor at University of Nice).
We try to push the limits of our project and build a full interface and functionnal products (the course include only design and modele), and we made this.
Languages use :
- Java
- Java FXML (interface)
- Google Maps API
This project use multi-purpose of vista, it is good example of vista navigation in Java FXML. We implemented our code with MVC Pattern
If you want to use or to have more informations contact us: François Chastel : Timothy Keynes :
PS: We are actually working on a full-documented Java-Doc