General-purpose State Machine system with rollback netcode sync support (optional).
You can download the .yymps file (right side - releases) or simply copy the script from the .gml file.
- Create states and organize all the code in just one place;
- It has a "Free State" that is executed every frame, regardless of the current state;
- Transitions: change from one state to another using a condition;
- onStart, onStep and onExit functions/methods for each state (all optional).
- State history (useful for going back to previous states);
- Triggers (clone the execution behaviour of another state);
- State override (single function or to another state);
- Get current state name.
- Netcode rollback compatible (non-native)
- With just one integer variable, synchronize State Machine state - which consumes less memory than structs, and better performance (no need for serialization).
- Uses object variable to synchronize, which updates automatically.
- You can use strings or integers to reference the states.
An example of usage:
Create Event:
// Create State Machine
fsmChar = new StateMachine("Idle");
characterState = 0; // trackable state variable (for rollback netcode sync)
// Free
fsmChar.AddFreeState(function() {
// get input
inputH = keyboard_check(vk_right) - keyboard_check(vk_left);
inputV = keyboard_check(vk_down) - keyboard_check(vk_up);
inputJump = keyboard_check_pressed(vk_up);
// Idle
fsmChar.AddState("Idle", {
onEnter : function() {
sprite_index = sprPlayerIdle;
image_speed = 0.25;
// Walk
fsmChar.AddState("Walk", {
onStep : function() {
if (inputH != 0) image_xscale = sign(inputH);
onEnter : function() {
sprite_index = sprPlayerWalk;
image_speed = 0.8;
onExit : function() {
show_debug_message("Walk Exit...");
// Create Transitions
fsmChar.AddTransition("Idle", "Walk", function() {
return (inputH != 0);
fsmChar.AddTransition("Walk", "Idle", function() {
return (inputH == 0);
Step Event:
fsmChar.Update(id, "characterState");