It is enough to provide interpretation and compilation semantics for new descriptors, no need for postponing action or reproducing action.
There are only two places when postponing action can be used: POSTPONE
and ]] ... [[
And this action is applicable to the system's descriptors only. So this action isn't required for the user defined descriptors.
Conceptual solution
Proof of concept
: token>xt? ( k*x td -- xt td-xt | k*x td 0 )
td-xt over = if ( xt td-xt ) exit then
td-nt over = if over name> dup if nip nip td-xt then exit then
: xt, compile, ;
: postpone-token? ( k*x td -- true | k*x td false )
td-nt over = if drop name>compile swap lit, xt, true exit then
td-xt-imm over = if drop lit, 'execute-compiling xt, true exit then
token>xt? if lit, 'xt, xt, true exit then
: compile-compile-token? ( k*x td -- true | k*x td false )
postpone-token? ?et
postpone [: compile-token postpone ;] 'xt, xt, true
\ There is a possibility to return false
\ for some implementation defined cases
: next-lexeme ( -- c-addr u|0 )
begin parse-lexeme ?et ( addr ) refill ?e0 drop again
: ]]
begin next-lexeme 2dup "[[" equals 0= while
recognize-any dup ?nf compile-compile-token?
0= -32 and throw
repeat 2drop
: postpone ( "ccc" -- )
parse-lexeme perceive-lexeme dup ?nf
postpone-token? ?e -32 throw
; immediate
compile-token ( i*x k*x td -- j*x )
\ perform the compilation semantics that are determined
\ by the given fully qualified token ( k*x td )
recognize-any ( c-addr u -- k*x td | 0 )
\ recognize a lexeme using the recognizer
\ that the Forth text interpreter currently uses
In this approach, neither POSTPONE
nor ]]
refers to "postponing action" of user-defined descriptors. And, the former isn't applicable to them at all, the latter is applicable, and they parses the input (if any).
See also: "Recognizers and postponing" news:rdcn35$sd2$
See also: An approach to create any token descriptor
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