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Merge pull request #1849 from darsnack/darsnack/dropout-rng
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Add RNG support for Dropout/AlphaDropout
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darsnack authored Jan 27, 2022
2 parents 7467e6b + f922c16 commit 8d3b8d3
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Showing 7 changed files with 196 additions and 95 deletions.
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@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
# Flux Release Notes

## v0.12.10
* `Dropout`/`AlphaDropout` now supports [user-specified RNGs](

## v0.12.9
* Fixed incorrect output and added GPU compatibility for [AlphaDropout](
* Add trilinear [Upsample layer](
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15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion src/functor.jl
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struct FluxCUDAAdaptor end
adapt_storage(to::FluxCUDAAdaptor, x) =
adapt_storage(to::FluxCUDAAdaptor, x::Zygote.FillArrays.AbstractFill) =
if VERSION >= v"1.7"
adapt_storage(to::FluxCUDAAdaptor, x::Random.TaskLocalRNG) = CUDA.default_rng()
adapt_storage(to::FluxCUDAAdaptor, x::Random._GLOBAL_RNG) = CUDA.default_rng()
adapt_storage(to::FluxCUDAAdaptor, x::CUDA.RNG) = x
adapt_storage(to::FluxCUDAAdaptor, x::AbstractRNG) =
error("Cannot map RNG of type $(typeof(x)) to GPU. GPU execution only supports Random.default_rng().")

# TODO: figure out the correct design for OneElement
adapt_storage(to::FluxCUDAAdaptor, x::Zygote.OneElement) =
Expand All @@ -109,6 +117,8 @@ adapt_storage(to::FluxCPUAdaptor, x::Zygote.FillArrays.AbstractFill) = x
adapt_storage(to::FluxCPUAdaptor, x::T) where T <: CUDA.CUSPARSE.CUDA.CUSPARSE.AbstractCuSparseMatrix = adapt(Array, x)
adapt_storage(to::FluxCPUAdaptor, x::Zygote.OneElement) = x
adapt_storage(to::FluxCPUAdaptor, x::AbstractSparseArray) = x
adapt_storage(to::FluxCPUAdaptor, x::CUDA.RNG) = Random.default_rng()
adapt_storage(to::FluxCPUAdaptor, x::AbstractRNG) = x

Zygote.@adjoint function Array(x::CUDA.CuArray)
Array(x), d -> (,)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,6 +159,9 @@ _isbitsarray(::AbstractArray{<:Number}) = true
_isbitsarray(::AbstractArray{T}) where T = isbitstype(T)
_isbitsarray(x) = false

_isleaf(::AbstractRNG) = true
_isleaf(x) = _isbitsarray(x) || Functors.isleaf(x)

Expand All @@ -174,7 +187,7 @@ CuArray{Float32, 2}
function gpu(x)
use_cuda[] ? fmap(x -> Adapt.adapt(FluxCUDAAdaptor(), x), x; exclude = _isbitsarray) : x
use_cuda[] ? fmap(x -> Adapt.adapt(FluxCUDAAdaptor(), x), x; exclude = _isleaf) : x

function check_use_cuda()
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60 changes: 42 additions & 18 deletions src/layers/normalise.jl
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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ _dropout_shape(s, dims) = tuple((i ∉ dims ? 1 : si for (i, si) ∈ enumerate(s
_dropout_kernel(y::T, p, q) where {T} = y > p ? T(1 / q) : T(0)

dropout(x, p; dims=:, active=true)
dropout([rng = rng_from_array(x)], x, p; dims=:, active=true)
The dropout function. If `active` is `true`,
for each input, either sets that input to `0` (with probability
Expand All @@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ This is used as a regularisation, i.e. it reduces overfitting during training.
If `active` is `false`, it just returns the input `x`.
Specify `rng` for custom RNGs instead of the default RNG.
Note that custom RNGs are only supported on the CPU.
Warning: when using this function, you have to manually manage the activation
state. Usually in fact, dropout is used while training
but is deactivated in the inference phase. This can be
Expand All @@ -28,49 +31,63 @@ automatically managed using the [`Dropout`](@ref) layer instead of the
The [`Dropout`](@ref) layer is what you should use in most scenarios.
function dropout(x, p; dims=:, active::Bool=true)
function dropout(rng, x, p; dims=:, active::Bool=true)
active || return x
y = dropout_mask(x, p, dims=dims)
y = dropout_mask(rng, x, p, dims=dims)
return x .* y
dropout(x, p; kwargs...) = dropout(rng_from_array(x), x, p; kwargs...)

@adjoint function dropout(x, p; dims=:, active::Bool=true)
@adjoint function dropout(rng, x, p; dims=:, active::Bool=true)
active || return x, Δ -> (Δ, nothing)
y = dropout_mask(x, p, dims=dims)
return x .* y, Δ ->.* y, nothing)
y = dropout_mask(rng, x, p, dims=dims)
return x .* y, Δ -> (nothing, Δ .* y, nothing)

function dropout_mask(x, p; dims=:)
y = rand!(similar(x, _dropout_shape(x, dims)))
dropout_mask(rng::CUDA.RNG, x::CuArray, p; kwargs...) = _dropout_mask(rng, x, p; kwargs...)
dropout_mask(rng, x::CuArray, p; kwargs...) =
throw(ArgumentError("x isa CuArray, but rng isa $(typeof(rng)). dropout_mask only support CUDA.RNG for CuArrays."))
dropout_mask(rng, x, p; kwargs...) = _dropout_mask(rng, x, p; kwargs...)
function _dropout_mask(rng, x, p; dims=:)
y = rand!(rng, similar(x, _dropout_shape(x, dims)))
y .= _dropout_kernel.(y, p, 1 - p)
return y

Dropout(p; dims=:)
Dropout(p; dims=:, rng = rng_from_array())
Dropout layer. In the forward pass, apply the [`Flux.dropout`](@ref) function on the input.
To apply dropout along certain dimension(s), specify the `dims` keyword.
e.g. `Dropout(p; dims = 3)` will randomly zero out entire channels on WHCN input
(also called 2D dropout).
Specify `rng` to use a custom RNG instead of the default.
Custom RNGs are only supported on the CPU.
Does nothing to the input once [`Flux.testmode!`](@ref) is `true`.
mutable struct Dropout{F,D}
mutable struct Dropout{F,D,R<:AbstractRNG}
active::Union{Bool, Nothing}
Dropout(p, dims, active) = Dropout(p, dims, active, rng_from_array())

function Dropout(p; dims=:)
function Dropout(p; dims=:, rng = rng_from_array())
@assert 0 p 1
Dropout(p, dims, nothing)
Dropout(p, dims, nothing, rng)

@functor Dropout

trainable(a::Dropout) = ()

function (a::Dropout)(x)
_isactive(a) || return x
return dropout(x, a.p; dims=a.dims, active=true)
return dropout(a.rng, x, a.p; dims=a.dims, active=true)

testmode!(m::Dropout, mode=true) =
Expand All @@ -83,7 +100,7 @@ function, d::Dropout)

AlphaDropout(p; rng = rng_from_array())
A dropout layer. Used in
[Self-Normalizing Neural Networks](
Expand All @@ -92,14 +109,21 @@ remain the same as before.
Does nothing to the input once [`testmode!`](@ref) is true.
mutable struct AlphaDropout{F}
mutable struct AlphaDropout{F,R<:AbstractRNG}
active::Union{Bool, Nothing}
function AlphaDropout(p, active = nothing)
function AlphaDropout(p, active, rng)
@assert 0 p 1
new{typeof(p)}(p, active)
new{typeof(p), typeof(rng)}(p, active, rng)
AlphaDropout(p, active) = AlphaDropout(p, active, rng_from_array())
AlphaDropout(p; rng = rng_from_array()) = AlphaDropout(p, nothing, rng)

@functor AlphaDropout

trainable(a::AlphaDropout) = ()

function (a::AlphaDropout)(x::AbstractArray{T}) where T
_isactive(a) || return x
Expand All @@ -111,7 +135,7 @@ function (a::AlphaDropout)(x::AbstractArray{T}) where T
A = T(inv(sqrt((1 - p) * (1 + p * α′^2))))
B = T(-A * α′ * p)

noise = rand!(similar(x))
noise = rand!(a.rng, similar(x))
return A .* ifelse.(noise .> p, x, α′) .+ B

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19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,25 @@ nfan(dims...) = prod(dims[1:end-2]) .* (dims[end-1], dims[end]) # In case of con
ofeltype(x, y) = convert(float(eltype(x)), y)
epseltype(x) = eps(float(eltype(x)))

Create an instance of the RNG most appropriate for `x`.
The current defaults are:
- `x isa AbstractArray`
- Julia version is < 1.7: `Random.GLOBAL_RNG`
- Julia version is >= 1.7: `Random.default_rng()`
- `x isa CuArray`: `CUDA.default_rng()`
When `x` is unspecified, it is assumed to be a `AbstractArray`.
rng_from_array(::AbstractArray) = rng_from_array()
rng_from_array(::CuArray) = CUDA.default_rng()
if VERSION >= v"1.7"
rng_from_array() = Random.default_rng()
rng_from_array() = Random.GLOBAL_RNG

glorot_uniform([rng=GLOBAL_RNG], dims...)
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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions test/cuda/layers.jl
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@testset "Dropout RNGs" begin
@test_throws ArgumentError Flux.dropout(MersenneTwister(), CUDA.rand(Float32, 2, 3), 0.1)
@testset for layer in (Dropout, AlphaDropout)
m = layer(0.1; rng = MersenneTwister(123))
@test_throws ErrorException gpu(m)
m = layer(0.1; rng = CUDA.default_rng())
@test gpu(m).rng isa CUDA.RNG
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/cuda/runtests.jl
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using Flux, Test, CUDA
using Zygote
using Zygote: pullback
using Random

@info "Testing GPU Support"
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