A strudy frontend framework for pixi, inspired by elm.
Simple and powerfull elmish Data flow
action ----<--+---<--+
| | effect
reducer +-->---+
| |
view -->-----+
- Css like class
- View state transition
- Photoshop to pixi interface parcing ( with psdtojson & pixi-createfrom )
const App = require('pixelm')
const Pixi = require('pixelm/factories')
const model = ()=>({clicks:0})
const reducer = (model, action)=>{
if(action.type=='inc') return {clicks:model.clicks+1}
if(action.type=='dec') return {clicks:model.clicks-1}
return model
const view = (model, prev, send)=>{
const text = Pixi.Text()
text.text = model.clicks
text.onclick = ()=>send({type:'inc'})
text.onblur = send.bind(0,{type:'dec'})
return text
App({model:model(), reducer, view, el:document.body})
the api is compose of one function
APP :: {model,view,reducer,effect,el}
App :: APP app:Object => canvas:DomCanvas
model :: data:Object => model:Object
Should return the state of the app.
reducer :: model:Object => action:Object => model:Object
Receives the current state and returns an updated version of the state which is then sent to the views.
view :: model:Object => prev:Object => send:Function => tree:Pixi.DisplaObject
Pure functions that should return a DisplayObject. They’re receives the current state, the prev state and the send function to call an action.
effect :: model:Object => action:Object => send:Function => renderer => tree:DisplayObject => undefined
Effects makes an asynchronous operation and calls another action when it's done.
el :: element:HtmlElement
The Dom element here the pixi canvas will be attach.
Tween animation
const App = require('pixelm')
const Pixi = require('pixelm/factories')
const tween = obj=>{
const model = ()=>({clicks:0})
const reducer = (model, action)=>{
if(action.type=='inc') return {clicks:model.clicks+1}
if(action.type=='dec') return {clicks:model.clicks-1}
return model
const view = (model, prev, send)=>{
const text = Pixi.Text()
text.text = model.clicks
text.onclick = send.bind(0,{type:'inc'})
text.onblur = send.bind(0,{type:'dec'})
if(model.clicks != prev.clicks) tween(text)
return text
App({model:model(), reducer, view, el:document.body})
Class transition
const App = require('pixelm')
const Pixi = require('pixelm/factories')
const Class = require('class')
const style = Class({tran:{transition:0.5},off:{y:'-500'},on:{y:0}})
const model = ()=>({clicks:0})
const reducer = (model, action)=>{
if(action.type=='inc') return {clicks:model.clicks+1}
if(action.type=='dec') return {clicks:model.clicks-1}
return model
const view = (model, prev, send)=>{
const text = Pixi.Text()
text.text = model.clicks
text.onclick = send.bind(0,{type:'inc'})
text.onblur = send.bind(0,{type:'dec'})
text = style(text, 'tran off')
return text
App({model:model(), reducer, view, el:document.body})
const App = require('pixelm')
const Pixi = require('pixelm/factories')
const model = ()=>({clicks:0,path:'/'})
const reducer = (model, action)=>{
if(action.type=='nav') return {path:action.location}
if(action.type=='inc') return {clicks:model.clicks+1}
if(action.type=='dec') return {clicks:model.clicks-1}
return model
const view = (model, prev, send)=>{
const text = Pixi.Text()
text.text = model.clicks
text.onclick = send.bind(0,{type:'inc'})
text.onblur = send.bind(0,{type:'dec'})
if(model.path != '/') text.text = 'error 404'
if(model.path == '/') text.text = 'error 404'
return text
App({model:model(), reducer, view, el:document.body})