This application has been made for amateur fishermen to pin the locations. The app also shows weather, sun and moon forecasts based on current location. It also shows the time of fishing, according to the solunar theory. Design, bug fixes and localization translations are in progress. This project is still ongoing.. :)
- Apple Mapkit
- CoreData, CoreLocation
- UIKit
- Weather Forecast (Current weather data for one location, 5 day / 3 hour forecast data)
- Daily Fishing Average Forecast
- Daily Sun and Moon Forecast(Solunar)
Swift 5.3 The programming language used
- Charts,
- SideMenu,
- NVActivityIndicatorView
Fisher Map is compatible with the iPhone 7 and above on iOS 15 and later. Xcode 13
Fırat Gulec - github/Firat-Gulec Mobile Installation