The extension currently uses Manifest V2, and this year the extension should stop working on Chrome and maybe Edge.
I plan to update the extension to Manifest V3 and officially release it in the Chrome and Edge extension store.
Along with the update to Manifest V3 I plan to refactor the entire extension.
For anyone reading this, please answer the questions that apply to you.
For any user:
- What does TWP have that makes you use it instead of the native translator or other extensions?
- What do you like about it?
- What features are missing?
- User Interface:
- Do you like the current interface?
- Are some small fixes/improvements enough or does the interface need to be redesigned?
- What should change?
- Usage Preferences:
- What are the options you use the most in TWP?
- What is your favorite translation service?
- Do you prefer to use the simple popup interface or the complex one?
For developers:
- Javascript with JSDoc or Typescript? Why?
- Which design patterns to use? Why? (i.e. MVP, module pattern, etc...).
- Should I use a framework? Which one and why?
- Repository Management:
- Should the current repository on Github be archived and a new one created or should the current repository be used?
- Consider that the file and folder structure will probably change completely.
- Maybe I should create a new Branch (Main) in this repository and keep Master intact?
What did you just do?
- I wrote an objective issue, easy to understand.