Putting to one side that there's directly not the neutral spanish (Spain's one) to choose, it's full of latinisms that great part of times I don't understand and it's easier even read it in english directly (if it's other language I am f**ked basically. XD).
The most important it's that translations are full of grammar and orthographic serious errors, e. g.: "solo", "este/a", "ese/a", "aquel/aquella", never have accent mark since almost 15 years ago when RAE added the rule (I bet that it was before the extension so was written bad first time) and also means that it hasn't been supervised nor corrected by somebody with a decent ortography and grammar.
I would greatly appreciate to add a neutral spanish or Spain's spanish plus correct that errors, because if not, people will perpetuate them and learn bad grammar and ortography and trust me, is catastrophic right now in great part of cases, we don't need it goes worse, lmao.
Thanks for your time reading this por guy with his clumsy english and full of errors too, my apologizes for this. ^^U
What did you just do?
- I wrote an objective issue, easy to understand.