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Adds an extra layer of security and functions as a RBAC authority. This plugin will verify a user signed JWT as a Bearer token in the Authorization header. The plugin will also function as a RBAC authority and inject a x-wallet-access header into the request containing delegated access rights assigned to the wallet that signed the JWT. These rights are pulled from a running instance of the RBAC service.


Wallet access header content:

	"address": "your_wallet_address",
	"name": "your wallet name",
	"grants": [
			"address": "grantor_address",
			"name": "grantor name",
			"applications": [
					"name": "application_name",
					"permissions": ["list", "of", "off-chain", "application", "permissions"]

Getting started

When using this plugin you can use go install directly or download a release version (soon to come)


To use the plugin, add it to your kong service definition.

Recommended configuration:

  - name: jwt-wallet
      rbac: http://localhost:8888/rbac/api/v1/subjects/{addr}/grants

Configuration options:

  • rbac* - Full path to your running RBAC service. The rbac url should contain an {addr} string representing the wallet address. If not set then the plugin will only verify a user signed JWT and will not retrieve delegated access rights or include the x-wallet-access header.
  • apikey - API Key to use when making a call to the RBAC service
  • authHeader - The name of the request header containing the JWT. Defaults to "Authorization".
    • Requires the Bearer token format e.g {authHeader} Bearer {jwt}
  • accessHeader - The name of the header to inject with the wallet access JSON. Defaults to "x-wallet-access". Only injected when rbac configuration is set
  • senderHeader - The name of the header to inject with the addr claim of the user signed JWT. If not set then will not inject

*= Required to get delegated access rights

Running locally

Run via docker:

make docker && make docker-run

Use config.yml to update the settings for your local running environment. Point the rbac url to a running copy of RBAC Service or serve the included example payload from the http/ directory by running:

make http

When using the example payload, use the value from /token as the JWT/Bearer token for your request.

Creating a JWT

This example uses the standard jwt format but sings with an secp256k1 elliptic curve key. When generating your jwt you must set the public key as the sub field on the payload and it must be compressed public key bytes and Base64Url Encoded. If wanting grants to return then also include the wallet address as the addr field.


  "alg": "ES256K",
  "typ": "JWT"


  "addr": "wallet_address",
  "sub": base64UrlEncode("wallet_public_key"),
  "iss": "your_org",
  "iat": 1609459200,
  "exp": 4070908800


  SHA256(base64UrlEncode(header) + "." +

Full token representation

base64UrlEncode(header) + "." +
  base64UrlEncode(payload) + "." +