Live Site:
An application inspired by Stack Overflow built using JavaScript and utilizing pug architecture, Nap Overflow allows users to:
- Create an account
- Log in/out
- Ask questions
- Search for answers to their questions
- Answer previously asked questions
- Upvote/Downvote answers
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Pug.js
- PostgreSQL
- Sequelize
- Express
Nap Overflow was built using JavaScript, utilizing a postgreSQL Database. Backend requests are RESTful and are handled with Sequelize. Associations are used to prefetch data in order to minimize queries to the database.Frontend views are rendered via Pug.js templates.
- Users can register for accounts and log into the website
- Registered users can post / edit / delete questions
- Registered users can post / edit answers to questions
- Registered Users can upvote or downvote an answer
- Users can search for any question