Hy everyone this is an e-commerce based project on JavaScript and Firebase as backend. I have implemented various functionalities. This is a comprehensive project for me as a developers. Explore this prject and give me suggestions to improve.
- User can Login/Signup
- User cannot see the profile page without login. However, user use smartness to go via pathname.
- Implememted strict validations
- For notifications, I have used toastr library
- User can add the products and delete products
- Realtime updatation of cart products
- User can increase or decrease the quantity of products
- Delivery charges will also alternate when more products are added
- Order Placing functionality
- Payment Methods Such as JazzCash and Easypaisa
- Cool UI/UX
- Usage of Bootstrap.com and tabler.io for icons
- Usage of Google Firebase for backecnd
- Quality Pics
- Products Gallery