Sorry Dave
Last Name | First Name | CSU eName | Github | CSU Email |
Myers | Ethan | etham | ethamCS | |
Armstrong | Dylan | dylan2 | ArmstrongDJ1 | |
Haziq | Farhan | fargah1 | farhanaxiq | |
Ide | Evan | eide1992 | eide92 | |
Carnahan | Christian | carnhy | carnhy | |
Our team member's work preferences are extremely similar. Everyone is flexible about meeting times and using slack and or virtual communications such as discord to get together outside of class. We all have similar goals to get A's in the class, and we feel as though striving for an A and falling short would be better than trying to get a B originally . Though, an A is the ultimate goal. Our group feels that communication will be key throughout the entirety of this semester. We feel very strongly about communication because we believe that as a group, we can solve problems much faster together rather than struggling alone as individuals. If we encounter conflicts between team members, we will work as a team to resolve them and find a middle ground. If we cannot reach a middle ground, we will meet with Dave.
Our group understands that obstacles will without a doubt appear in every sprint. We all understand that reaching out when we need help is preferable to trying to figure everything out as individuals. Along with that, all of us will try to offer help if we notice that somebody on the team needs it. It can be hard to ask for help sometimes, so we have a responsibility as teammates to look for instances where we can help each other out.
Although we can't be sure of the exact number of hours we need to work a week until we have more information about the assignment, we all agree that we are willing to put in as much work as necessary in order to be successful in the class. We want to be proud of the work that we do in addition to earning a good grade in the class. In the event that we run into issues with a team member not contributing as much as necessary, we decided that our first course of action will be attempting to resolve the conflict as a team. Again, if that doesn't work out then we may be forced to involve Dave.
Ultimately, we all seem to be on the same page in terms of what we are willing to do to be successful. We all want this to be a positive learning experience, and we are willing to do what it takes to make our goals a reality.