- Sway - Tiling window manager, i3-compatible Wayland compositor
- Waybar - Bar
- Swaync - Notification daemon
- Swaybg - Wallpaper tool
- Swaylock-effects - Screen locker
- Swayidle - Idle management daemon
- Fish - Command line shell
- Starship - Customizable prompt for shell
- Foot - Terminal emulator
- Wofi - Launcher/menu program
- Htop - Process viewer
- jq - Command-line JSON processor
- wl-clipboard - Command-line copy/paste utilities
- wl-color-picker - Color picker
- Sweet-Dark - Dark colorful Gtk3.20+ theme
- qBittorrent - BitTorrent client
- Telegram - Telegram Desktop messaging app
- Google Chrome - Browser
- Chromium - Browser
- VSCode - Code editor
- Discord - Voice and Text Chat
- Steam - The ultimate entertainment platform
- FiraCode - Monospaced font with programming ligatures
- FiraCodeNerd - Icon patcher for Fira Code
- FontAwesome - The iconic font
- Scoop - Package manager
- Alacritty - A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator
- ArchWSL - ArchLinux based WSL Distribution.
- Optimizer - Windows Optimizer
- ImageGlass - Image viewer
- VLC - Media player