I would like to resurrect Rankit.Vote on behalf of FairVote Washington.
We were using Rankit.Vote until it was taken down last year. But, this code looks like it is from 2017, so there must be a newer version.
Here is my experience trying this code:
Here is what I’ve tried with the GitHub code:
• Cloned FairVote/RankIt from GitHub
• Project not updated since 2017. Must not be most recent version.
• Uses Angular, but current version of Angular does not recognize it.
• After investigation, uses Angular 4.2 with Firebase. Firebase is worrisome since database may not still be up and running.
• The project won't work with current versions of Node.js. Used nvm to install Node.js 8
• packages.json has some problems so I had to install some things locally, most significantly @rankit/widget.
o However, the project will still not build because of interactions with this widget.
o If the code is not most recent version, then it would not be compatible with the version of @rankit/widget I installed.
• In any case, if it does run, there will be problems with the Firebase backend since database may not be running.
If author could contact at david 2006 at bangs family dot net I would appreciate it.