A Fabric Splice C++ Standalone
The Fabric Splice Standalone is an example of how to build a minimalistic C++ standalone utilizing Fabric Splice.
This repository will be maintained and kept up to date by Fabric Software to match the latest Fabric Core / Fabric Splice.
To date all three major platforms (windows, linux, osx) are supported, if you build the thirdparty dependencies for the corresponding platform.
A scons (http://www.scons.org/) build script is provided. Fabric Splice Standalone depends on
- A static build of boost (http://www.boost.org/), version 1.55 or higher.
- A build of Qt 4.8+ (for Windows (http://www.alphapixel.com/content/download-qt-binaries-free), system libs on linux / osx)
- A dynamic build of Fabric Core (matching the latest version).
- The SpliceAPI repository checked out one level above (http://github.com/fabric-engine/SpliceAPI)
- The FTL (Fabric Template Library) repository (it can be pulled here: https://github.com/fabric-engine/FTL).
Fabric Splice Standalone requires a certain folder structure to build properly. You will need to have the SpliceAPI cloned as well on your drive, as such:
You can use the bash script below to clone the repositories accordingly:
git clone git@github.com:fabric-engine/SpliceAPI.git
mkdir Applications
cd Applications
git clone git@github.com:fabric-engine/SpliceStandalone.git
cd SpliceStandalone
To inform scons where to find the Fabric Core includes as well as the thirdparty libraries, you need to set the following environment variables:
- FABRIC_BUILD_OS: Should be the type of OS you are building for (Windows, Darwin, Linux)
- FABRIC_BUILD_ARCH: The architecture you are building for (x86, x86_64)
- FABRIC_BUILD_TYPE: The optimization type (Release, Debug)
- FABRIC_SPLICE_VERSION: Refers to the version you want to build. Typically the name of the branch (for example 1.13.0)
- FABRIC_DIR: Should point to Fabric Engine's Core folder.
- BOOST_DIR: Should point to the boost root folder (containing boost/ (includes) and lib/ for the static libraries).
- QT_INCLUDE_DIR: The include folder of the Qt installation.
- QT_LIB_DIR: The lib folder of the Qt installation.
- QT_BIN_DIR: The bin folder of the Qt installation.
The temporary files will be built into the .build folder, while the structured output files will be placed in the .stage folder.
To perform a build you can just run
scons all -j8
To clean the build you can run
scons clean
The license used for the Fabric Splice Standalone can be found in the root folder of this repository.