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🛢️ SQL LABS - Creating Database Systems on SQL Servers

Here, you will find advanced techniques for the structure of a database system, as well as the mechanism and structure of SQL and other essential points to use the various features of SQL Server and its data query and manipulation structure.

< made with vibe, frequency & joy /> 🪬

Automation Workflow

SQL Lab Certificate - Impact Technology University - 2023

This repository covers a variety of topics, including:

  • SSMS - SQL Server Management Studio Interface:

    • Connecting to a server, main panels, configuring the editor environment.

  • Creating a database via SSMS:

    • How data is organized, creating a database, creating a table, manipulating data (insertion, editing, and deletion).

  • Relational model and data normalization:

    • Concept of normalization, normal forms, relational model, descriptive model, conceptual model, logical model physical model.

  • Introducing T-SQL:

    • Origin of SQL, T-SQL, subsets of SQL commands, instruction example.

  • Creating a database via T-SQL:

    • Creating a script project, creating a script, executing a script, putting a database in use, creating a database, deleting a database.

  • Constraints and table structure:

    • Creating rules, changing table structures.

  • Creating indexes:

    • Concept of indexes, advantages and disadvantages of indexes, clustered indexes, non-clustered indexes.

  • Attaching databases:

    • How to attach the databases that is used in this repo.

  • Manipulating data:

    • Inserting records, updating records, deleting records.

  • Working with transactions:

    • Types of transactions, OUTPUT instruction.

  • Data query:

    • The group of DQL commands, ordering data, the TOP clause.

  • Filters with operators:

    • Relational operators, arithmetic operators, logical operators,compound operator, filter examples with WHERE.

  • Filters BETWEEN, LIKE, and IN:

    • Search by range of values, search by a list, of values, search by part of content.
  • Joining data:

    • Data union, UNION operator, UNION ALL operator.

Example of SQL Code

The SQL code below is an example related to a car dealership database. It includes the creation of tables for brands and models, along with foreign key constraints for the relationship between them. Additionally, it uses stored procedures like sp_help to view the structure of the created tables.