- Major highlights:
- Lua 5.4 support
- Fixed CVE-2024-55553
- New match community-count BGP command to limit communities count
- New set metric igp|aigp BGP command to inject IGP metric as MED into BGP
- New bgp ipv6-auto-ra BGP command
- Optimize BGP EVPN L2VNI/L3VIN remote routes processing
- Respect non-transitive BGP extended communities between direct peers
- Drop deprecated bgp network import-check exact command
- Handle BGP ENHE (Extended Next Hop Encoding) capability via dynamic capability
- Implement BGP connect backoff retry
- Implement an ability to import BMP information from a separate BGP instance
- Add support of BGP color extended community color-only types
- Implement SBFD
- Add support for SRv6 static SIDs
- Implement embedded-rp for PIMv6
- Implement AutoRP mapping-agent for PIM
- Implement MSDP peer SA limiting
Signed-off-by: Jafar Al-Gharaibeh <jafar@atcorp.com>