The categories below are mostly suggestions, getting long traces is good but getting all of a game's graphical features will be most helpful. Traces should be sent privately to flibit.
To enable tracing, simply set -DTRACING_SUPPORT=ON when configuring, then traces will be dumped to FNA3D_Trace.bin. Traces technically have proprietary data in them, so only send them privately!
- A Virus Named TOM, First world including cutscenes
- The Adventures of Shuggy, Any%
- Apotheon, Any%
- Axiom Verge (randomizer branch), Any%
- Before the Echo, Any%
- Bleed, Any difficulty
- Bleed 2, Any difficulty
- Blueberry Garden, Beat the game
- Capsized, Any difficulty
- Celeste, All chapters
- Charlie Murder, Any% (maybe less...)
- Chasm, 30 minutes
- CometStriker DX, 5 straight days of the stress tester (seriously)
- Cryptark, Arcade
- The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile, Any difficulty
- Dust: An Elysian Tail, Any%
- Escape Goat 1, Any%
- Escape Goat 2, Any% + A stained glass level
- FEZ, 209.4%
- Fist Puncher, Any difficulty
- Flinthook, Finish a run
- Flotilla, Complete a skirmish
- Full Metal Furies, First chapter
- Gateways, Any%
- Gnomoria, 15 minutes
- Growing Pains, Any%
- Hacknet, Any%
- Hidden in Plain Sight, All games
- Little Racers STREET, Daily challenge
- Mercenary Kings, Complete a mission
- Murder Miners, Full multiplayer match
- Owlboy, Any%
- Planetfriend, 15 minutes
- QuadCow Art Book, All exhibits
- Reus, All tutorials + First sim
- Rex Rocket, Any%
- River City Ransom: Underground, Any%
- Rogue Legacy, Any% with as many visual attributes as possible
- Salt and Sanctuary, Any%
- Skulls of the Shogun, World 1
- Solaroids, Any%
- Soulcaster 1/2, Beat either game
- SpeedRunners, Complete a run
- Star-Twine, Play a game
- Steel Assault, Beat the game
- Streets of Rage 4, Any difficulty
- SUMICO, Complete first section
- Super Hexagon, complete a stage
- TMNT, Any%
- TowerFall Ascension, Co-op through first boss
- Unexplored, Complete a dungeon
- Wizorb, Complete Chapter 1
- Wyv and Keep, Any%
Optional, ignore these unless you know what you're doing:
- Bastion (Bloom/Color violation), All levels
- Simply Chess (Bad attribs), Complete a match