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Delivery 4

jero98772 edited this page May 21, 2024 · 5 revisions

1. Project requirements

Requirement Identifier Requirement Developed (Yes / No)
FR21 Analyze disease Yes
FR19 User authentication Yes
FR05 Alert of contaminated water Yes
FR18 Display auth error Yes
FR13 Display real-time sensor status Yes
FR09 Customize fish tank Yes
FR12 Request chatbot feedback Yes
FR14 Automatic food release Yes
FR01 Ensure unique username Yes
FR16 Add products to cart Yes
FR06 Display product details Yes
FR23 Monitor fish tank Yes
FR02 Display filtered products Yes
FR22 Visualize custom fish tank Yes
FR17 Give information about the website and more Yes
FR10 Friendly interface Yes
FR04 Make payment Yes
FR20 Shop receive order Yes
FR08 Frontend Yes
FR07 Deployed Yes

2. Infographic

3. System design

3.1. Deployment Diagram


3.2. Component Diagram


3.3. Data Model


4. Usability analysis

Comment / Observation

Possible improvement action

For not expert people

Identify fish diases

This is improve the parading of desing

Shop a personalized fishtank

The users have to mesure it most of time with non electronics methots

Mesure the values of the fishtank

This is good beacuse can share some facts like the fishes are sick the , water temperature is high , etc...

Localize other people with fishtanks

The profesionals lights for fishtanks are soooo expensive and in the other hand this lights are sooooo cheap

Controll the lights

The before online shop have aproximate 20 employers answer a chat

Efficent asist chat and low cost

The fish shop is a so old market that not use

A new place to sell fishes and fomentate inovation in this market

5. Future work

  1. Recommendation system for products with user data: This could enhance user experience by suggesting products based on user preferences, purchase history, or behavior patterns.

  2. Recommendation system for products when the system detects a fish disease: This could be a valuable feature for fish health management, providing recommendations for products or treatments when diseases are detected.

  3. Ability to handle more fish shops: Scaling up to accommodate more fish shops would allow for expansion and increased market reach.

  4. Migration to microservice architecture: This architectural shift can improve scalability, flexibility, and maintainability of the system by breaking it down into smaller, loosely coupled services.

  5. Integration of a camera inside the fish tank: This would enable users to monitor their fish remotely, enhancing their interaction with the system and potentially improving fish care.

  6. Integration of a bot: A bot could provide customer support, answer common queries, or assist users in navigating the system, improving user engagement and satisfaction.

  7. Integration with different payment methods, including credit card: Offering multiple payment options increases convenience for users and can potentially attract more customers.

  8. Integration with Shopify: This integration would allow seamless management of e-commerce aspects such as inventory, orders, and payments, if your solution involves e-commerce functionalities.

  9. Integration with Wompy: If Wompy is a relevant platform for your target audience, integrating with it can expand your user base and streamline payment processes.

  10. Aspiring to be a startup: This suggests a mindset focused on growth, innovation, and potentially seeking investment or partnerships to scale the business.

  11. Expansion of partners beyond one: Bringing in more partners can bring diverse expertise, resources, and perspectives, potentially accelerating growth and success.

6. Repository

7. Video

Add the link to the video, ensuring access (YouTube, Vimeo). 

All members must appear at some point in the video. 

Length of the video: Between 00:04:00 and 00:05:00 minutes.

Video structure: 

Pitch, presented by ONE of the members [00:01:00 minutes]. 

Team members 

Project name 



Evidence of the application's operation, highlighting the most important functionalities [00:03:00 minutes]. 

Evidence of the Product Owner's and/or potential users' perceptions [00:01:00 minutes].