Tags: ExtraCells/ExtraCells2
*Really* fix the OreDict exporter filter parsing now. Pattern Syntax: [!][@~]<pattern> Filter syntax: <pattern> [&|] <pattern2> [&|] ... Parentheses NOT supported. @ prefix for resource namespace matching (i.e. @minecraft @AppliedEnergistics) ~ prefix for resource path matching ! for negation (use before @ and ~ if applicable) * can be used in any position, although usage of * that isn't beginning or end may result in performance hits due to usage of regex matching. Usage with pure oredict matches (no @ and ~) will result in querying the oredict once and building a whitelist that is saved and the filter is only evaluated once. Using @ and ~ will result in the filter being evaluated for every item in AE until it finds a match. Examples tested: @minecraft & ore* (All vanilla ores) @mine* | @thermal* (All blocks from mods with namespaces that starts with mine or thermal) oreGold | oreIron (Gold and iron ore only)