Expensify card - Expensify Card setup page blinks the first time the Copilot user visits it #56195
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Version Number: 9.0.93-3
Reproducible in staging?: Yes
Reproducible in production?: Yes
If this was caught on HybridApp, is this reproducible on New Expensify Standalone?: N/A
If this was caught during regression testing, add the test name, ID and link from TestRail: https://expensify.testrail.io/index.php?/tests/view/5543592
Email or phone of affected tester (no customers): applausetester+ag3101c@applause.expensifail.com
Issue reported by: Applause Internal Team
Device used: Windows 10/ Chrome, Samsung S23FE/ Android 14
App Component: Workspace Settings
Action Performed:
- Navigate to account settings
- Add a copilot with limited access to the account
- Complete the copilot flow
- Login as the copilot of the admin
- Go to Expensify Cards Section in the workspace
Expected Result:
The Copilot user leads directly to the Expensify Card page with the list of cards or the empty list.
Actual Result:
The Expensify Card setup page blinks the first time the Copilot user visits it.
- Android: Standalone
- Android: HybridApp
- Android: mWeb Chrome
- iOS: Standalone
- iOS: HybridApp
- iOS: mWeb Safari
- MacOS: Chrome / Safari
- MacOS: Desktop