[HOLD for payment 2024-08-01] [$250] Settings - Left hand menu and RHP do not open instantly when opening from link #44585
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Version Number: 9.0.3-1
Reproducible in staging?: Y
Reproducible in production?: N
If this was caught during regression testing, add the test name, ID and link from TestRail: N/A
Issue reported by: Applause - Internal Team
Action Performed:
- Go to https://staging.new.expensify.com/settings/preferences/priority-mode
- Note that the left hand menu and the priority-mode pop-up does not open instantly
- Click Home
- Click Account settings
- Navigate through the settings
Expected Result:
In Step 1, when opening the settings from link, the left-hand menu and RHP will open instantly
In Step 5, the selected tab will be highlighted
Actual Result:
In Step 1, when opening the settings from link, the left-hand menu and RHP do not open instantly
In Step 5, the selected tab is not highlighted
Which of our officially supported platforms is this issue occurring on?
- Android: Native
- Android: mWeb Chrome
- iOS: Native
- iOS: mWeb Safari
- MacOS: Chrome / Safari
- MacOS: Desktop
Add any screenshot/video evidence
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