Show speed in km/h
- Take speed from TinyGPS libary and display it on OLED using Adafruits library
- '~' will be displayed on screen when speed logging is working
TODO switch to a smaller OLED library.DONE
log coordinates to a sd card
- These files will be stored in a CSV format
- Google maps accepts csv files with the headers of name,desc,latitude,longitude
- Wherein Name will be time string, desc will be speed in km/h
- Will be using https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/
have battery life of at least 1 - 2hrs
- 100mah LiPo with charge and boost controller will give around 1hr.
SD Card module does not play nice with Adafruit's SSD1306 OLED library. Fixed by switching to SSD1306Ascii library from github user grieman. This has benifits of reduced size.
SD Card initialization problems. Fixed by putting SD card init in a loop. Fromating SD card fixes any other bugs.