@EvHaus I am facing an issue while displaying the BarChart inside my pdf.... So when I am using " import ReactPDFChart from "react-pdf-charts" " this and trying to get my BarChart then Barchart is only showing the CartesianGrid, XAxis and YAxis but no values.
Below is the code with "ReactPDFChart" -
import React from "react";
import ReactPDFChart from "react-pdf-charts";
import { BarChart, Bar, XAxis, YAxis, CartesianGrid } from "recharts";
const data = [
{ name: 'A', uv: 4000, pv: 2400, amt: 2400 },
{ name: 'B', uv: 3000, pv: 1398, amt: 2210 },
{ name: 'C', uv: 2000, pv: 9800, amt: 2290 },
{ name: 'D', uv: 2780, pv: 3908, amt: 2000 },
{ name: 'E', uv: 1890, pv: 4800, amt: 2181 },
{ name: 'F', uv: 2390, pv: 3800, amt: 2500 },
{ name: 'G', uv: 3490, pv: 4300, amt: 2100 },
// Silence useLayoutEffect does nothing on the server warnings. These come
// from recharts but they're harmless and just clutter the console output.
const consoleError = console.error;
console.error = function (message) {
if (message?.startsWith('Warning: useLayoutEffect does nothing on the server')) return;
consoleError.apply(console, arguments);
const PdfBarChart = () => (
<ReactPDFChart> <BarChart data={data} width={500} height={300}> <XAxis dataKey="name" /> <YAxis /> <CartesianGrid stroke="#ccc" strokeDasharray="3 3" /> <Bar dataKey="uv" fill="#8884d8" /> <Bar dataKey="pv" fill="#82ca9d" /> </BarChart> </ReactPDFChart>
export default PdfBarChart;
And when I try the same above code without "ReactPDFChart" it is giving me error like below -
htmlLayer.getElementsByClassName is not a function
TypeError: htmlLayer.getElementsByClassName is not a function
at CartesianAxis.componentDidMount (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:144491:28)
So can anyone please guide or help me to figure this out and render the Bar and another Charts in the pdf.