The Football Database is a web application created using Node.js/Express. Users can search for any football team or player and a fetch request is made to The Sports DB API to give back information. An authentication system was also created with the help of Passport.js which allows users to login and add favourites which appears on the home page.
- Bootstrap 4
- JavaScript (ES6)
- Embedded JavaScript (EJS)
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Fetch
- Heroku
Add any team or player to your favourites:
Register, login and logout:
Search across the app to find anything or anyone:
Both Node.js and MongoDB are required for the application to run so make sure you have these installed.
- Node.js - v12.18.0 or higher
- MongoDB - v4.4.1 or higher
Clone the repository to your local system then in the terminal at the root folder run:
npm install
to acquire the node_Modules and dependencies for this project.
If Node.js and MongoDB are installed locally...
In the terminal go to the drive where MongoDB is installed and run this command
then naviagte back to the project root folder and run:
node app.js
The Express server should then start on port 3000 and the website can be viewed on your LocalHost.