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Tags: EssentialsX/Essentials



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Release 2.20.1


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Release 2.20.0


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This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
JRoy Josh Roy
Release 2.19.7


Toggle 2.19.6's commit message


This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
JRoy Josh Roy
Release 2.19.6


Toggle 2.19.5's commit message
EssentialsX 2.19.5 - The (Not Too) Wild Update


**EssentialsX 2.19.5 is here!** 🎉 This release features slight additions, support for Minecraft 1.19.2, and several bug fixes. Keep reading to see all the changes!

Thanks to all our contributors who contributed to this release (all of whom are listed at the bottom of this release), as well as to everyone who has contributed to translations on [Crowdin](!

Finally, a massive thanks to our community members who have assisted countless people on GitHub and MOSS, including @triagonal, @JasonHorkles, @Evidentsinger14, @Chew, @Laarryy and many others.

In addition, a shoutout to our supporters on [Patreon](, [GitHub Sponsors]( and [Ko-fi]( A special thanks goes to our Hero tier supporters:

- @aternosorg
- @pebblehost

Want to be listed here? You can join our Hero tier on Patreon or GitHub at the links above!

Your support helps us to continue spending hours of our free time working on and improving EssentialsX for everyone. If you've got any spare change, you can click one of the buttons below to support the EssentialsX project:

[![Patreon](]( [![Ko-fi](]( [![GitHub Sponsors](](

Supported server versions

EssentialsX officially supports the CraftBukkit, Spigot, and [Paper]( server software. Specifically, EssentialsX is designed to work on the following Minecraft versions:

* ✅ `1.18.1` and `1.19.2` - EssentialsX actively develops against and supports these versions.
* ⚠️ `1.8.8`, `1.9.4`, `1.10.2`, `1.11.2`, `1.12.2`, `1.13.2`, `1.14.4`, `1.15.2`, `1.16.5`, and `1.17.1` - these versions are still supported, but are not a priority for us, and may be dropped in a future release.

**We recommend using the latest version of Paper**. EssentialsX includes significant improvements that require Paper, including:

* Paper's async chunk loading reduces lag spikes during player teleports.
  CraftBukkit and Spigot do not support async chunk loading from plugins.
* `/anvil`, `/grindstone`, `/cartographytable`, `/loom`, `/smithingtable`, `/stonecutter` are only supported on Paper.
  CraftBukkit and Spigot do not support the API needed for these.
* `/recipe` on 1.12+ requires Paper to avoid a dupe bug introduced by CraftBukkit and Spigot.
* Paper properly shows colours in EssentialsX's console log messages, including EssentialsX Chat messages.
* Paper contains countless overall performance optimisations over CraftBukkit and Spigot.
* Paper supports all properly-written plugins for CraftBukkit and Spigot.

EssentialsX does **not** support the following Minecraft versions or server software:

* 🛑 "Ultra-performance" Paper forks including Akarin, Yatopia, and similar projects - these often perform non-standard behaviour and can break your worlds and installed plugins.
* 🛑 Mohist - **[The Mohist project is known to be sketchy, and has, in the past, tricked users into deleting official EssentialsX jars and installing an unofficial build.](** We cannot guarantee the safety or functionality of unofficial builds of EssentialsX; you should avoid using Mohist where possible.
* 🛑 Other Forge/Bukkit hybrid servers including Cauldron, Thermos, Magma, CatServer - EssentialsX is built for the Bukkit API, which does not properly support mods. For modded servers, use [SpongeForge]( and [Nucleus](, or an alternative mod for [Forge or Fabric](
* 🛑 `1.7.10` or below.

Upgrading to 2.19.5

If you're upgrading from 2.19.3 or above, you can keep your current EssentialsX config file. There have been no changes to the configuration since that release.

Upgrading from 2.19.2 or older versions of EssentialsX? See the [previous update changelogs](

Important change: EssentialsX Chat now supports secure chat (#5030)

Minecraft 1.19.1 introduced a new Player Reporting feature on the client, allowing players to report chat messages to Mojang in-game. The server now has a secure chat system which allows players to preview and "sign" their chat messages, which ensures players can't use client mods to fabricate reports with fake messages. If the game can't verify a message, it will show a yellow warning indicator.

As of 2.19.5, EssentialsX Chat supports chat previews. Once you enable chat previews in your `` file, EssentialsX Chat will send back previews to players so they can send secure "signed" messages without the yellow warning indicator.

Players will need to accept previews when they join the server. They will also need to wait a second between finishing their message and pressing Enter to ensure their message gets previewed and signed.

Known issues

**Anchor charges deplete on Spigot even when EssentialsX Spawn overrides the spawn location**

On CraftBukkit and Spigot, anchor charges will deplete regardless of the `respawn-at-anchor` due to an [unfixed bug in CraftBukkit]( This bug has been patched in Paper.

**Vanilla signed chat commands may show EssentialsX formatting on 1.19.1+**

If you use any vanilla commands that send secure chat messages (including `/minecraft:msg` or `/minecraft:me`), you may see formatting from EssentialsX Chat in these messages. This is due to an implementation quirk in Spigot, which forces plugins to handle all secure previews for vanilla chat commands as if they were public chat messages. There is no known workaround for this at this time, but you can continue to use unsigned commands from EssentialsX and other plugins as normal.

New features

**EssentialsX now supports 1.19.2 (#4932, #4966, #5026, #5027, #5035)**

EssentialsX now has full support for Minecraft 1.19.2, including support for the new Wild Update items in `/give`, `/item` and kits, new mobs, and new NMS/OBC mappings for accessing internal CraftBukkit code.

EssentialsX also no longer warns when installed on 1.19.2 servers.

**Other additions**

* Translations have been updated with the latest community contributions on Crowdin. (#4823)
* Console colors are once supported again on Paper. (#4941)
* Reduced the amount of user lookups during LuckPerms context calculations. (#4869)
* The `/playtime` command will now no longer appear to progress for vanished users. (#4918)

Bug fixes

**Bugs fixed from 2.19.4 and older versions**

* The `/tpa` command no longer double charges a user with `/tpauto on`. (#4862)
* The `/nick off` command can now be used by users with only `essentials.nick.changecolors` permissions. (#4876)
* The `TeleportWarmupEvent` event now has the correct teleporter. (#4913)
* Users who are flying while afk while `freeze-afk-players` is set to `true` will no longer be teleported to the ground. (#4944)
* Path and farmland blocks are no longer considered solid blocks. (#4915)
* The `minecraft:` namespace no longer gives an error in the `/give` command. (#4960)
* The `/unlimited` command no longer floods user's inventory when changing stack sizes. (#4877)
* Users who stop being afk no longer fail to count towards the sleep count in some cases. (#4985)
* The `/nick` command now shows your nickname even with `change-displayname` disabled in the config. (#4980)
* **Discord:** Console messages in Paper 1.18.2+ properly filter ANSI color codes once again. (#4942)
* **Discord:** Numerous discord formatting issues have been fixed in relation to slash commands. (#4945)
* **Discord:** Roles defined in the `allowed-roles` section of the config will no longer resolve to roles with the same name as another role's id.(#4983)
* **Discord:** Leave messages are no longer sent to discord when the user was vanished. (#5009)

**Regressions fixed from 2.19.5 dev builds**

* Essentials no longer fails to load on versions 1.8.8 through 1.12.2. (#4975)
* Local chat allows you to send messages that are 1 character long without sending in public chat. (#5041)

Changes for developers

There are no API changes in this release!


For a full commit log, [click here](2.19.4...2.19.5).


Toggle 2.19.4's commit message
Release 2.19.4


Toggle 2.19.3's commit message
**EssentialsX 2.19.3 is here!** 🎉 This release features new chat feat…

…ures, support for Minecraft 1.18.2 and several bug fixes. Keep reading to see all the new additions!

Thanks to all our contributors who contributed to this release (all of whom are listed at the bottom of this release), as well as to everyone who has contributed to translations on [Crowdin](!

In addition, a massive thanks to our community members who have assisted countless people on GitHub and MOSS, including @triagonal, @JasonHorkles, @Evidentsinger14, @Chew, and many others.

Finally, a shoutout to all our supporters on [Patreon](, [GitHub Sponsors]( and [Ko-fi](, including:

* madscientist032
* @aternosorg
* @pebblehost
* ...and 26 more supporters! (Want to see your name here? You can join our Hero tier on Patreon or GitHub Sponsors!)

Your support helps us to continue spending hours of our free time working on and improving EssentialsX for everyone. You can click one of the buttons below to support the EssentialsX project:

[![Patreon](]( [![Ko-fi](]( [![GitHub Sponsors](](

Supported server versions

EssentialsX officially supports the CraftBukkit, Spigot, and [Paper]( server software. EssentialsX is designed to work on the following Minecraft versions:

* ✅ `1.17.1` and `1.18.2` - EssentialsX actively develops against and supports these versions.
* ⚠️ `1.8.8`, `1.9.4`, `1.10.2`, `1.11.2`, `1.12.2`, `1.13.2`, `1.14.4`, `1.15.2`, and `1.16.5` - these versions are still supported, but are not a priority for us, and may be dropped in a future release.

**We recommend using the latest version of Paper**. EssentialsX includes significant improvements that require Paper, including:

* Paper's async chunk loading reduces lag spikes during player teleports.
  CraftBukkit and Spigot do not support async chunk loading from plugins.
* `/anvil`, `/grindstone`, `/cartographytable`, `/loom`, `/smithingtable`, `/stonecutter` are only supported on Paper.
  CraftBukkit and Spigot do not support the API needed for these.
* `/recipe` on 1.12+ requires Paper to avoid a dupe bug introduced by CraftBukkit and Spigot.
* Paper contains countless overall performance optimisations over CraftBukkit and Spigot.
* Paper supports all properly-written plugins for CraftBukkit and Spigot.

EssentialsX does **not** support the following Minecraft versions or server software:

* 🛑 "Ultra-performance" Paper forks including Akarin, Yatopia, and similar projects - these often perform non-standard behaviour and can break your worlds and installed plugins.
* 🛑 Mohist - **[The Mohist project is known to be sketchy, and has, in the past, tricked users into deleting official EssentialsX jars and installing an unofficial build.](** We cannot guarantee the safety or functionality of unofficial builds of EssentialsX; you should avoid using Mohist where possible.
* 🛑 Other Forge/Bukkit hybrid servers including Cauldron, Thermos, Magma, CatServer - EssentialsX is built for the Bukkit API, which does not properly support mods. For modded servers, use [SpongeForge]( and [Nucleus](, or an alternative mod for [Forge or Fabric](
* 🛑 `1.7.10` or below.

Upgrading to 2.19.3

If you're upgrading from 2.19.2, you can keep your current EssentialsX config file. However, 2.19.3 adds some new options that you may want to configure, and to do so you'll need to either update your config or add the new settings to your existing config. Read on for a list of changes and new config options.

Upgrading from 2.19.0 or older versions of EssentialsX? See the [previous update changelogs](

Known issues

Anchor charges deplete on Spigot even when EssentialsX Spawn overrides the spawn location

On CraftBukkit and Spigot, anchor charges will deplete regardless of the `respawn-at-anchor` due to an [unfixed bug in CraftBukkit]( This bug has been patched in Paper.

EssentialsX Discord hangs on single core systems on outdated versions of JDK 17

Due to [a known bug in OpenJDK 17.0.1](, EssentialsX Discord may hang during startup when running in a single-core environment. Due to the nature of the JDK bug, there is nothing EssentialsX can do directly to fix this.

You can fix this by updating your Java version to 17.0.2 or later. If you are unable to change your Java version, please contact your server host for help.

(You can alternatively add `-Djava.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism=1` to your startup flags to attempt to mitigate the issue. However, this should be used as a **last resort only**. OpenJDK 17.0.2 fixes this issue and should be used instead of this workaround.)

New features

EssentialsX now supports 1.18.2 (#4821)

EssentialsX now officially supports CraftBukkit, Spigot and Paper for 1.18.2.

`/nick` can now be used even when `change-displayname` is disabled (#4758)

You can now allow `/nick` without letting EssentialsX take over displayname formatting. This may be useful if you want to use a third-party chat formatting plugin while still letting EssentialsX handle nicknames.

EssentialsX Chat: Enhanced local and global chat features (#4535)

This release builds on both Essentials' legacy chat features and the new `/toggleshout` command introduced in 2.19.0, adding several new `config.yml` options and more permissions to control local and global chat modes!

**Config option to control whether players default to local or shout chat**

You can now toggle whether players default to local chat mode or shout mode when they log in using the `chat.shout-default` option:

  # Whether players should be placed into shout mode by default.
  shout-default: false

**Config option to control whether `/toggleshout` should persist across server restarts**

You can now let players keep their `/toggleshout` setting when the server restarts using the `chat.persist-shout` option:

  # Whether a player's shout mode should persist restarts.
  persist-shout: false

**Config option to enable or disable question chat mode**

You can now control whether questions (by default, messages starting with `?` and sent in a unique chat channel) are enabled or disabled on your server using the `chat.question-enabled` option:

  # Whether chat questions should be enabled or not.
  question-enabled: true

**New permissions for sending and receiving chats**

Essentials previously had `` and `` permissions, which let you control whether or not players can send shout or question messages respectively.

You can now enable or disable the following new permissions (all of which default to true):

* `` allows players to *send* messages in local chat
* `` allows players to *receive* **shout** chat messages
* `` allows players to *receive* **question** chat messages
* `` allows players to *receive* **local** chat messages

**Local chat prefix when in shout mode**

If a player **enables** shout mode with `/toggleshout`, any messages they send with the shout prefix (`!` by default) will now be sent to local chat.

Other additions

* The output of `/near` is now translatable. (#4740)
* You can now use decimal places in `/tppos`. (#4729)
* The `/ess dump` command can now include the settings files for random teleports (`tpr.yml`), `/sell` values (`worth.yml`) and EssentialsX Spawn (`spawn.yml`). (#4785)
* `[trade]` (and deprecated `[protection]`) signs now save their owners' UUIDs on Minecraft 1.14 and above, and should no longer break when the owner changes their username. (#4713)
* You can now change the `tree-command-range-limit` setting (defaults to `300`) in `config.yml` to limit how far away `/tree` and `/bigtree` can place trees. (#4728)

Bug fixes

Bugs fixed from 2.19.2 and older versions

These bugs existed in 2.19.2 and have been fixed in this release.

* Unused legacy data storage code has been removed. (#4707)
* EssentialsX no longer uses deprecated Paper methods for chat component serialisation. (#4706)
* Safe teleports on older versions of Minecraft no longer break. (#4708)
* Safe teleports now use the world's true minimum height instead of hardcoding y=0. (#4715)
* The update checker no longer spams the console when a GitHub ratelimit is encountered. (#4731)
* `/tpaccept` without any arguments now accepts the most recent teleport request when multiple are queued. (#4755)
* EssentialsX and EssentialsX AntiBuild no longer cause Spigot to load legacy material support. (#4697)
* The `vanishing-items-policy` and `binding-items-policy` config options now apply to the offhand. (#4725)
* Trade signs can no longer be used to dupe items when players have nearly-full inventories. (#4748)
* The update checker now falls back to a proxy provided by EssentialsX in the event that GitHub is unresponsive. (#4816)
* **Discord:** The command executor used on Paper now works on the latest Paper versions and uses Paper's command forwarding API where available. (#4791, #4794)
* **Discord:** Advancement notifications now work on 1.12.2. (#4826)

Regressions fixed from 2.19.3 dev builds

There are no known regressions in 2.19.3 dev builds.

Changes for developers

EssentialsX now builds with Gradle 7.4

The build script has been updated to Gradle 7.4. Various build plugins have also been updated, including an update to `run-paper` to fix the `runServer` tasks which broke following an update to Paper's download API in late 2021. (The `runServer` tasks will be updated to use Paper 1.18.2 during the 2.20.x development cycle.)


For a full commit log, [click here](2.19.2...2.19.3).


Toggle 2.19.2's commit message
Bump to 2.19.2 release


Toggle 2.19.1's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Release 2.19.1 (#4681)


Toggle 2.19.0's commit message
Require forceSign property even on releases