is a command-line utility designed to search for files based on a provided keyword. Once found, it allows the user to either edit the file, delete it, or copy its path to the clipboard.
curl -LO && \
tar -xzf vedit.tar.gz && \
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/ && \
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ && \
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/vedit
brew tap Eric-Jalal/tap
brew install vedit
Optionally, ensure xclip is installed if you want to use the copy-to-clipboard feature: sudo apt install xclip
Simply run:
vedit [OPTION] <searching keyword>
Options: -e: Edit the file. -d: Delete the file. -c: Copy the file path to clipboard. -h: Display help. -v, --version: Display the version of the script.
If no option is provided, the script will prompt the user for an action after the search is complete.
To search for files containing the word "sample" and choose to edit:
vedit -e sample
Searching: The script uses the find command to recursively search the current directory and its subdirectories for files containing the provided keyword. File Handling: Once a file or multiple files are found, the script offers various actions based on provided flags or prompts the user if no flags are provided. Configuration: Users can configure their preferred editor by running vedit config. This choice is saved in a .vedit_config file in the user's home directory. Loading Animation: While searching, a spinning animation (-|/) is displayed to indicate progress.
fd: Required for searching through files mapfile: For transforming the texts into arrays from files xclip: Required for the copy-to-clipboard feature. Ensure it's installed on your system.